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17 September 2009 - Jefferson Lab
American-Made SRF Cavity Makes the Grade

21 August 2009 - KEK
Belle Finds a Hint of New Physics in Extremely Rare B Decays

6 August 2009 - CERN
LHC to run at 3.5 TeV for early part of 2009-2010 run rising later

5 August 2009 - Fermilab
Fermilab to Receive Additional $60.2 Million in Recovery Act Funding for High Energy Physics

Particle Physics in the News

21 September 2009 - Discover Magazine - Cosmic Variance
Endgame for the Tevatron

21 September 2009 -
Does most dark matter form atoms?

21 September 2009 -
Interview with Prof. Rolf-Dieter Heuer, Director-General of CERN

21 September 2009 -
On the Trail of Exotic Particles

21 September 2009 - Media Newswire
Planck takes first glimpse into the past

18 September 2009 -
'Extraordinary results' expected from Hubble

18 September 2009 - Insciences Organisation
Invading black holes explain cosmic flashes

17 September 2009 - CNRS
Planck : un premier releve du ciel tres prometteur

17 September 2009 - Calcutta Telegraph
Forward at Breakneck Speed

16 September 2009 -
CERN boss targets linear collider

15 September 2009 -
Particle Physics Fundamentals

15 September 2009 - About - News & Issues
Could Dark Photons & Dark Atoms Exist?

11 September 2009 - San Francisco Business Times
Lawrence Berkeley lab to expand three ways

11 September 2009 - Science News
Hunting Hidden Dimensions

11 September 2009 - United Press International
Scientists: Collider will produce results

10 September 2009 -
How do you say grid computing in Spanish?

10 September 2009 -
Collider "not going to become a white elephant"

10 September 2009 - Futura-Sciences
Des signes de la supersymetrie dans les mesons B?

9 September 2009 - New Scientist
Black holes are the ultimate particle smashers

9 September 2009 - Wired Science
Last Days of Big American Physics: One More Triumph, or Just Another Heartbreak?

9 September 2009 - RIA Novosti
Large Hadron Collider could help Sun studies - scientists

9 September 2009 - ISRIA
Slovenia - President Turk Calls for Slovenia to Join CERN

9 September 2009 - BBC News
Superb vistas from reborn Hubble

8 September 2009 - STA
Tuerk Urges Government to File for CERN Membership

8 September 2009 -
Una donna alla guida dei Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso

8 September 2009 - InAbruzzo
Eugenio Coccia: ecco il "Gran Sasso Institute", un progetto per i giovani scienziati abruzzesi

7 September 2009 -
One of physics' most wanted particles- magnetic monopoles

6 September 2009 - Corriere della Sera
Caccia alla 'particella di Dio' Chicago lancia la sfida al Cern

5 September 2009 -
Little brother of the LHC could come up with the answers first

5 September 2009 - Reuters
Spacewalkers to outfit station for final node

3 September 2009 - Scientific Computing
Berkeley Lab to Develop World's Fastest Computer Network

3 September 2009 - Times of Malta
Projects which can be carried out in Malta by CERN being identified - PM

3 September 2009 - Tehran Times
Large Hadron Collider to start again

2 September 2009 - Live Science
Space Station Experiment to Hunt Antimatter Galaxies

2 September 2009 -
IceCube Neutrino Observatory: Down the Hole

2 September 2009 - Gaea Times
Tevatron may discover 'God particle' by 2011

2 September 2009 - Cosmos
Moon is target for high-energy cosmic rays

1 September 2009 -
Rodage force pour l'accelerateur de particules LHC

31 August 2009 - Softpedia
Tevatron Could Beat LHC to the Higgs Boson

31 August 2009 - Insciences Organisation
Is The Milky Way Doomed To Be Destroyed By Galactic Bombardment? Probably Not, Study Says

31 August 2009 - Physics
Strongly broken symmetry

31 August 2009 - New Scientist
Tevatron tightens up the race for the Higgs

28 August 2009 - AIP-FYI
Selections from the Senate Debate on the FY 2010 DOE Funding Bill: S&T

28 August 2009 - Discover Magazine - Cosmic Variance
Dark Energy: Still a Puzzle

28 August 2009 - Wall Street Journal
Data Deluge Swamps Science Historians

27 August 2009 -
The Large Hardon Collider vs. Cosmic Rays -which one wins the energy battle?

28 August 2009 - Science Magazine
The Large Hadron Collider Redux: Hoping for a Long, Hard Slog

27 August 2009 - Scientific Computing
Smashing the Trillion Zone Barrier

27 August 2009 - EurekAlert
Making global science networking more user-friendly

26 August 2009 - Nano TechWire
Argonne receives $29 million in additional Recovery Act funds for major facilities upgrades, research

26 August 2009 - Science News
Particle imbalance may upset the apple cart

25 August 2009 - Softpedia
New Model of Quantum Gravity Proposed

25 August 2009 - LaserFocusWorld
PHOTONIC FRONTIERS: Linac Coherent Light Source begins operation

24 August 2009 - Discover Magazine - Cosmic Variance
Why Don't We Know When the LHC Will Restart?

24 August 2009 -
Physicist Appointed Senior Position on Exciting and High-Profile Particle Physics Experiment

24 August 2009 - Physics
Producing top quarks one at a time

24 August 2009 -
Creating black holes in the lab

24 August 2009 -
Science: Collision course

24 August 2009 - Innovations report
Netting new physics from a stellar collapse

DESY inForm
September 2009
- Laying of cornerstone at DESY
- Brainstorming the dynamics of the microcosm
- Energy Conservation
- European XFEL - a bird's eye view

CERN Bulletin
21 September 2009
- Starry nights over CLIC
- Making more space for more people
- The Latest from the LHC: Switching on the magnets
- Nature is far more imaginative than human beings!

ILC Newsline
17 September 2009
- Validation made of the Letters of Intent
- Progress on ILC detectors
- Linear Collider Accelerator School underway in China

CERN Courier
September 2009
- ICE-cool beams just keep on going
- Cosmic leptons challenge dark-matter detection
- A small experiment with a vast amount of potential
- Steven Weinberg: master builder of the Standard Model
- Gargamelle: the tale of a giant discovery

August 2009
- Not a Moment to Lose at the LHC
- Superconducting Technology, Chicago Style
- Dancing With Physicists

ASPERA This Month
June 2009
- The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) lifts off
- JEM-EUSO: astroparticle physics @ ZeV
- New CERN
- Looking forward to ASPERA-2

A Week of Interactions
13-19 September 2009
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