USGS - science for a changing world

USGS Water Services

Water Service Shortcuts

 Instantaneous Values Service for real-time data and historical data since October 1, 2007
 Site Service
 Daily Values Service
 Groundwater Levels Service
 Water Quality Service External Link
Frequently Asked Questions
Writing Fault-Resistent Code

Service Example

This example uses a USGS water web service, as well as AJAX External Link, JSON External Link and jQuery External Link Web 2.0 technologies.

Find sites External Link


Join the USGS Water Data Notification Service

While all USGS water web services strive to be highly available and accurate, there may be occasional system issues that may impact one or more services. In addition, older versions of the service may be replaced with newer versions, possibly impacting your usage. To stay informed, you are advised to join the USGS Water Data for the Nation Notification List External Link. We won't spam you and you should receive relatively few but important emails of significant system events, upgrades or new web services.

Writing Fault Resistant Applications with USGS Water Data

Developers can usually quickly create a program to retrieve and process data using these web services. Writing programs that are unlikely to break if the service changes may require adopting some of USGS suggested best practices. If you are a software developer, please read our writing fault-resistent code page before creating a program. And thanks.

USGS Water Services

USGS hydrologist at work
USGS hydrologist at work

This site serves USGS water data External Link via automated means using web services External Link and extensible markup language (XML) External Link as well as other popular media types. Services can be invoked with the REST External Link protocol. These services designed for high fault tolerance and very high availability. You will find this site very useful if you to periodically acquire and process USGS water data.

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Page Contact Information: Water Webserver Team
Page Last Modified July 9, 2012 Software Verson: nwisweb-ws-5.0.0-3-rc2