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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Olive Ridley Turtle
On July 16, 2009, only the 3rd documented Olive Ridley turtle nesting in Hawaii occurred aboard Marine Corps Base Hawaii on Pyramid Rock Beach.
  • The 1st occurred in Paia, Maui in 1985
  • The 2nd occurred in Hilo, Hawaii in 2002. 
The MCB Hawaii egg hatching was the most successful of the three events – over 50% of the eggs hatched. With the exception of nesting in Hawaii noted above, there is no nesting by this species anywhere in the United States or the territories under U.S. political jurisdiction.

For more information on the Olive Ridley turtle, read the published “Recovery Plan for US Pacific Population of the Olive Ridley Turtle” (National Marine Fisheries Service and US Fish and Wildlife Service, 1998).

Olive Ridley Turtle Recovery Plan
Report Injured or Stranded Turtles