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Marine Corps Base Hawaii

"Supporting Readiness and Global Projection"

Volunteer Opportunities

The Environmental Dept Natural Resources staff coordinates various environmental service projects throughout the year. Learn about native plants and birds up-close and personal! You can help make a difference!

Projects:  Invasive weed removal, landscaping, bird nest construction, Pride Day clean-up and other related projects.

Project participants: 

Marines, Sierra Club, Army Environmental personnel, HECO employees, local schools, Audubon Society, and local community members.   If you are interested in becoming a Weed Warrior, please contact the Natural Resources Staff or watch for announcements in the KBAZ email bulletin.

Service Project Information:

All service project participants will meet at the main gate pass house parking lot at 08:15 the day of the scheduled service project.

Detailed Requirements & Recommendations:

Waiver of Liability form for any non-military members and all participants under the age of 18 - REQUIRED
Base Pass for non-military members and non-DoD personnel - REQUIRED
Closed toe shoes are REQUIRED (absolutely no slippers/flip flops)
Sign in with Natural Resources staff - REQUIRED
Drinking Water - REQUIRED
Old clothes are RECOMMENDED
Gloves are RECOMMENDED (cotton gloves are provided)
Hat and sunscreen are RECOMMENDED