USDA Forest Service

Research & Development Treesearch

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20 Newest NRS Publications

  1. Process-based models are required to manage ecological systems in a changing world (2013)
  2. Factors influencing changes in U.S. hardwood log and lumber exports from 1990 to 2011. BioResources (2013)
  3. Assessing net carbon sequestration on urban and community forests of northern New England, USA (2013)
  4. Imputing forest carbon stock estimates from inventory plots to a nationally continuous coverage (2013)
  5. Site characteristics of red spruce witness tree locations in the uplands of West Virginia, USA (2012)
  6. Spatial and temporal residential density patterns from 1940 to 2000 in and around the Northern Forest (2013)
  7. Storyline and design: how civic stewardship shapes urban design in New York City (2013)
  8. Susceptibility of forests in the northeastern USA to nitrogen and sulfur deposition: critical load exceedance and forest health (2013)
  9. Estimates of downed woody debris decay class transitions for forests across the eastern United States (2013)
  10. Abstracts of Moving from status to trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) symposium 2012 (2012)
  11. Poster abstracts of Moving from status to trends: Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) symposium 2012 (2012)
  12. A comparison of FIA plot data derived from image pixels and image objects (2012)
  13. Advancements in LiDAR-based registration of FIA field plots (2012)
  14. Improving FIA trend analysis through model-based estimation using landsat disturbance maps and the forest vegetation simulator (2012)
  15. The fourth dimension in FIA (2012)
  16. An efficient estimator to monitor rapidly changing forest conditions (2012)
  17. Utility of LiDAR for large area forest inventory applications (2012)
  18. Applying inventory methods to estimate aboveground biomass from satellite light detection and ranging (LiDAR) forest height data (2012)
  19. FIA's volume-to-biomass conversion method (CRM) generally underestimates biomass in comparison to published equations (2012)
  20. Cumulative volume and mass profiles for dominant stems and whole trees tested for northern hardwoods (2012)

USDA Forest Service - Research & Development
Last Modified:  January 12, 2010

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