USGS - science for a changing world

The USGS Water Science School

Water Science Pictures
Sediment pond to trap sediment

Sediment pond to trap sediment from rainfall runoff. As urbanization occurs, more and more land is developed into parking lots, roads, housing subdivisions, and buildings. These are examples of how impervious areas are replacing the natural environment. In a natural landscape, much of the precipitation that falls soaks into the ground. When urbanization occurs, rainwater lands on pavement and roads, and no longer soaks into the ground. It is collected by storm sewers and is directed into local creeks. If the increased runoff is full of sediment, then the water quality of the creek can be harmed. Sediment ponds, like the one in this picture, are now being built to trap runoff water. Sediment settles to the bottom of these ponds rather than accumulating in local creeks and streams.

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Page Last Modified: Thursday, 10-Jan-2013 09:59:48 EST