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South Dakota Water Science Center

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Bibliography - New Publications of the USGS South Dakota Water Science Center

Carter, J.M., Moran, M.J., Zogorski, J.S., and Price, C.V., 2012, Factors associated with sources, transport, and fate of chloroform and three other trihalomethanes in untreated groundwater used for drinking water: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 46, no. 15, p. 8189-8197. Article.

Driscoll, D.G., Bunkers, M.J., Carter, J.M., Stamm, J.F., and Williamson, J.E., 2010, Thunderstorms and flooding of August 17, 2007, with a context provided by a history of other large storm and flood events in the Black Hills area of South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5187, SIR 2010-5187, 139 p.

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Driscoll, Daniel, 2011, Hydrologic response, in Gillispie, Michael, Rainfall estimates and hydrologic response for storm of July 29-30, 2010, in eastern South Dakota: Sioux Falls, S. Dak., National Weather Service, p. 9-15,

Driscoll, D.G., Huft, D.L., and O'Connor, J.E., 2012, Extreme floods in the Black Hills area: New insights from recent research: Pierre, S. Dak., South Dakota Department of Transportation, 4 p. Online version pdf icon.

Driscoll, D.G., O'Connor, J.E., and Harden, Tessa, 2011, Application of paleoflood survey techniques in the Black Hills of South Dakota—Final report: Pierre, S. Dak., South Dakota Department of Transportation SD2008-01-F, 100 p. pdf icon.

Harden, T.M., O’Connor, J.E., Driscoll, D.G., and Stamm, J.F., 2011, Flood-frequency analyses from paleoflood investigations for Spring, Rapid, Boxelder, and Elk Creeks, Black Hills, western South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5131, SIR 2011-5131, 136 p.

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Hoogestraat, G.K., 2012, Occurrence of anthropogenic organic compounds and nutrients in source and finished water in the Sioux Falls area, South Dakota, 2009–10: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5098, 21 p. plus appendixes.

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Koth, K.R., and Long, A.J., 2012, Microgravity methods for characterization of groundwater-storage changes and aquifer properties in the karstic Madison aquifer in the Black Hills of South Dakota, 2009–12: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5158, 22 p.

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Long, A.J., and Mahler, B.J., 2013, Prediction, time variance, and classification of hydraulic response to recharge in two karst aquifers: Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v. 17, p. 281–294. Available online.

Long, A.J., Ohms, M.J., McKaskey, J.D.R.G, 2012, Groundwater flow, quality (2007–10), and mixing in the Wind Cave National Park area, South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5235, 50 p.

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Long, A.J., and Valder, J.F., 2011, Multivariate analyses with end-member mixing to characterize groundwater flow—Wind Cave and associated aquifers: Journal of Hydrology, v. 409, no. 1-2, p. 315-327.

Marini, K.A., Hoogestraat, G.K., Aurand, K.R., and Putnam, L.D., 2012, Conceptual and numerical models of the glacial aquifer system north of Aberdeen, South Dakota: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5183, 98 p. with appendixes.


Norton, Parker, and Stamm, John, 2012, WRF dynamically downscaled simulation of projected climate in the Missouri River watershed: 2000–2050: Boulder, Colorado, 13th Annual WRF User's Workshop, June 26-29, 2012. Extended abstract.

Stamm, J.F., and Hoogestraat, G.K., 2012, Concentrations of selected metals in Quaternary-age fluvial deposits along the lower Cheyenne and middle Belle Fourche Rivers, western South Dakota, 2009-10: U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 695, 29 p. Online-only.

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Valder, J.F., Long, A.J., Davis, A.D., and Kenner, S.J., 2012, Multivariate statistical approach to estimate mixing proportions for unknown end members: Journal of Hydrology, v. 460-461, p. 65-76,

Information about South Dakota Water Science Center publications may be obtained from:

Janet M. Carter
U.S. Geological Survey
South Dakota Water Science Center
1608 Mt. View Road
Rapid City, SD 57702
Telephone: (605) 394-3215

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