
   Edition 3, No. 3               July 13, 1995            Price: FREE

Editor:  Carl J. Gross

Contributors:  Neil Lane, Jerry Garrett, Fred Bertrand, Cyrus Baktash


1. Call for Letters of Intent

Since the start-up of the HRIBF is scheduled for late summer, it is time to solicit Letters of Intent for the early experimental program. The purpose of the Letters of Intent is to provide the HRIBF staff with an idea of the demand for early use of specific beams and research equipment. This information will help us prioritize our efforts in development of the facility. The Letters will be provided to the HRIBF Program Advisory Committee (PAC) who will be asked by HRIBF management to assess whether we are placing the correct emphasis on development to match your needs.

Ten copies of Letters of Intent for planned first experiments at the HRIBF should be sent to Jerry Garrett, Scientific Director of the HRIBF by Friday, August 25, 1995. These letters should describe the early experiments that you wish to perform at the HRIBF, the scientific goal expected from your measurements, and the experimental setup necessary to accomplish the experiment. Please note that these Letters do not replace proposals which are discussed below. Furthermore, the Letters will not be used to stake claims to specific research. However, the Letters are extremely valuable to us and to you since we will use the input to ensure that we are prepared to run the experiments in which you are interested. It is emphasized that the Letters of Intent should be limited to experiments that can be run during the first year of HRIBF operations.

Routine operation of the HRIBF as a user facility is planned to start in June 1996. A call for detailed proposals for the first running period is planned for early 1996. In the time between delivery of the first low-intensity RIB beam this summer and the start of routine operation, we will be increasing the beam intensity to levels needed for research and developing a variety of beam species. During this period, we hope to be able to run a few experiments that can use lower-intensity beams. Such experiments will have to use equipment available at the time, be suitable for scheduling on very short notice, and be able to deliver results in a few days of running. These early experiments will be selected by the Physics Division and HRIBF management following consultation with the PAC.

If you would like to have an experiment considered for the early running period, please send a brief proposal for such marked as "Start-up Experiment". As noted, no start-up experiments will be run without being judged by the PAC for scientific merit.

Summaries of early beams and experimental apparatus were provided with the second announcement of the recent HRIBF Workshop and are available on the World Wide Web ( Questions concerning the availability of early beams, experimental equipment, or other information can be addressed to Jerry Garrett (email:

2. DOE Approval of the Upgrade to the Oak Ridge Germanium Array

The Department of Energy has approved the upgrade of the Oak Ridge Germanium Array to optimize its operation for RIB experiments. Construction of this upgraded array will start immediately. When complete it will contain 11 Compton-suppressed "clover" detectors (slightly modified version of the EUROGAM design), as well as 12 suppressed germanium detectors from the present ORNL array. This system will have a total photopeak efficiency of 2.5% for 2 MeV gamma rays.

In addition to DOE funding, substantial financial contributions for this upgrade have been obtained from UNISOR, the University of Tennessee, Vanderbilt University, and the State of Tennessee.

3. Summary of HRIBF Users Workshop

A workshop for the users of the HRIBF was sponsored by the Joint Institute for Heavy Ion Research in Oak Ridge on June 2-3. Over 100 people were in attendance from more than 30 institutions and 6 countries.

The first day was devoted to the dissemination of information about the RIB project, its status, and schedule for completion. All experimental stations were described (see WWW homepage) as were the data acquisition and other topics of interest to users.

On the second day the users presented their ideas for research programs at the HRIBF. Twenty-three presentations were grouped into five areas: astrophysics, nuclear structure via slow decay modes, nuclear structure with A<90, nuclear structure with A>90, and reactions.

The workshop was an opportunity for the community to see the progress that has been made so far and to provide input on the future direction of the HRIBF. We hope that this forum for discussion will foster collaborations among the HRIBF users. If you would like to participate in a collaboration planning to use the HRIBF, please contact the HRIBF liaison officer who will put you in touch with people of similar interests.

4. Art Champagne Reelected Chairperson and a New Charter for the HRIBF Users Group

Art Champagne has been reelected chairperson of the HRIBF Users Group. Art is a professor at the University of North Carolina and is currently serving as chairperson. His term will now expire at the end of 1996.

A new charter reflecting the transition from the Holifield Heavy Ion Research Facility to the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility has been submitted to the membership for approval. If you did not receive a ballot then you are not a member of the Users Group. Receipt of this newsletter does not mean you are a member! Please contact the liaison officer if you wish to join. A new election to replace two of the six executive committee members will take place in September.

5. New Staff, Postdocs, and Guests

Chang-Hong Yu has joined the staff of Physics Division this spring. Chang-Hong, previously an assistant professor at the University of Rochester, received her degree in 1989 from the University of Copenhagen and was a postdoc at the University of Tennessee from 1989-1992. Her expertise is in nuclear structure and she is a welcome addition to the staff.

Will Talbert has accepted a one-year appointment with the Joint Institute. He will participate in RIB target design and the development of radioactive ion beams. Will, formerly of Los Alamos, was the director of the Tristan Facility when it was at Iowa State University. He and Paul Mueller will be in charge of operating the 300 keV RIB injector.

Jeff Blackmon graduated from and has accepted a postdoctoral position with the University of North Carolina and is permanently stationed at HRIBF. Jeff's interests are in astrophysics, and he will help with the installation and commissioning of the Daresbury Recoil Separator.

Dirk Rudolph has accepted a postdoctoral position with the Physics Division. Dirk graduated from the Universitaet Goettingen and wrote his dissertation on shell-model nuclei near A=90. He plans to continue nuclear structure research and will help in the commissioning of the Recoil Mass Spectrometer.

Carl Dukes and Ken Sweeton have joined the operations staff. Carl served six years in the navy's nuclear power program as a machinist mate and one year at Alcatel Fiber Optics as a lead technician. Ken was an accelerator technician for four years at TUNL, and he spent almost five years at Siemens Medical Systems in cyclotron support. They have begun the qualifying process for operating ORIC and the electrostatic accelerator.

6. Improvements to the HRIBF Guest House

The kitchen at the HRIBF Guest House (Bldg. 6007) is scheduled for renovation in late July and early August. A new stove, refrigerator, dishwasher, and cabinets will be installed. The ten-bedroom facility has a common area that includes a kitchen and television lounge, and provides easy access to the laboratory.

7. Users Group Meeting at the DNP

The HRIBF Users Group will hold its annual meeting at the Division of Nuclear Physics Fall Meeting in Bloomington, Indiana. We will meet for one hour at 6:00 p.m. on Friday, October 27 in the Oak Room (M012). This is an opportunity to hear about the progress we have made in developing radioactive ion beams and the status of the new experimental equipment.


Additional copies of the newsletter and more information about HRIBF 
can be found on the World Wide Web at 


Jerry D. Garrett, Scientific Director     |Email:
Mail Stop 6368                            |Tel:    (615) 576-5489

Carl J. Gross, Scientific Liaison         |Email:
Mail Stop 6371                            |Tel:    (615) 576-7698

Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility   |Tel:    (615) 574-4113
Oak Ridge National Laboratory             |Fax:    (615) 574-1268
Oak Ridge, TN 37831