Spotlight Archive

NC State Celebrates 150th Anniversary of the Morrill Act

Click here for full-text transcript of the video.

President's Council on Science

Men fishing Teach a Child to Raise a Fish, and They'll Have Skills for a Lifetime

When it comes to aquaculture, many teachers know diving into the business with hands-on training is the way to build students' skills. USDA has provided some of these educators funding to turn fish tanks into classrooms with excellent results.

Head shot of a dairy cow Outdoor Cows Are in Their Element

Moving dairy cows out of climate-controlled barns and onto the land may help to lessen the ecological impact of dairy farming without any corresponding loss of production.

Boxes and Boxes of Files Putting together the June Acreage Report is no Small Feat

Earlier this month, USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) spent two weeks contacting farmers and ranchers to find out how much U.S. farmland is planted to specific crops and to determine the number of livestock on U.S. farms and ranches.

Biodiesel fuel is pumped into a school bus. A Green Ride to School

Biodiesel fuel containing winter canola oil is pumped into a school bus.
