Archived Materials

These resources provide a historical archive of documentation and guidance from the Round 1 and 2 application periods. The Round 1 application period was from July 9, 2009 to August 10, 2009. The Round 2 application period was from February 15, 2010 to March 15, 2010. The documents and links provided include the applications database, application guidance materials, Round 1 and 2 workshop presentations, and service provider, state, and Tribal government comments.

Applications Database

NTIA received a wide variety of Infrastructure/Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI), Sustainable Broadband Adoption (SBA) and Public Computer Centers (PCC) applications. The following links to a searchable database of all BTOP applications from Rounds 1 and 2. Awarded applications can be found by selecting “Awarded” from the Status dropdown.


BroadbandMatch is an online tool that allows Recovery Act grant recipients and other communities developing broadband projects and programs to connect with a variety of potential partners. BroadbandMatch allows individuals and communities pursuing broadband projects to search for and connect with potential partners in specific locations and with appropriate areas of expertise, including small socially and economically disadvantaged businesses.

Round 1 Workshops

NTIA and the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service (RUS) held a series of free public workshops from July 7 – July 24, 2009, about the application process prior to the first round application window. Archived information and presentations from Round 1 workshops are below.

Round 1 Workshop Presentations

Round 2 Workshops

NTIA and the Department of Agriculture's Rural Utilities Service held a series of free public workshops from January 26 – February 12, 2010 about the application process prior to the second round application window. Archived information and presentations from Round 2 workshops are below.

Round 2 Workshop Presentations

Round 2 Workshop Videos

Submitting an Application

NTIA held two funding application rounds: Round 1 in Summer 2009 and Round 2 in Winter 2010.
The application filing periods for both Rounds 1 and 2 are now closed. The following resources and links contain general application rules, guidance, and resources provided to assist applicants in completing and submitting their Round 2 BTOP applications.

For more information on the Round 2 NOFA, please refer to the Program Rules page of this section.

Round 2 Application Comments

The Recovery Act authorized NTIA to consult with states, territories, possessions, and the District of Columbia regarding the identification of unserved and underserved areas within their borders and the preferred allocation of grant funds to projects in or affecting their states. Consistent with this objective, on April 2, 2010, NTIA invited each state to provide input on geographic areas for which NTIA should give priority in selecting projects for funding. NTIA also extended the invitation to approximately 580 Tribal entities, including 12 Alaska Regional Tribal Corporations, to comment upon applications that propose to serve Tribal communities in an effort to fund projects that best meet the needs of their Tribal lands. States and Tribes were also invited to comment on specific BTOP applications that propose to serve areas within their jurisdictions, regardless of the size or geographic scope of the project and describe why certain applications meet the greatest needs of the state or Tribe. The input of states and Tribes is consultative in nature and, while extremely valuable, constitutes only one of several factors NTIA weighed when evaluating applications.

States and Territories

Alabama Kentucky Oklahoma
Alaska Louisiana Oregon
American Samoa Maine Pennsylvania
Arizona Maryland Puerto Rico
Arkansas Massachusetts Rhode Island
California Michigan South Carolina
Colorado Minnesota South Dakota
Connecticut Mississippi Tennessee
Delaware Missouri Texas
District of Columbia Nebraska Utah
Florida Nevada Vermont
Georgia New Hampshire Virgin Islands
Guam New Jersey Virginia
Hawaii New Mexico Washington
Idaho New York West Virginia
Illinois North Carolina Wisconsin
Indiana North Dakota Wyoming
Iowa North Mariana Islands  
Kansas Ohio  


Agdaagux Tribe of King Cove Native Village of Kotzebue
Allakaket Tribal Council Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
Apsáalooke Nation Native Village of Barrow Iñupiat Traditional Government
Arctic Slope Regional Corporation Native Village of Eklutna
Asa'carsarmiut Tribal Council Nez Perce Tribe
Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians Nome Eskimo Community
Bear River Band of Rohnerville Rancheria Northern Cheyenne Tribe
Blackfeet Nation Pauite Indian Tribe of Utah
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska
Chippewa Cree Tribe Quartz Vallet Indian Reservation
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians Quinault Indian Nation
Doyon, Limited Resighini Rancheria
Eastern Band of Cherokee lndians Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe
Elk Valley Rancheria Shoalwater Bay Indian Tribe
Fort Belknap Indian Community Smith River Rancheria
Fort Peck Tribes: Assiniboine & Sioux Spokane Tribe of Indians
Hoopa Valley Tribe Upper Sioux Community
Iñupiat Community of the Arctic Slope Wiyot Tribe
Karuk Tribe Yurok Tribe

General Comments and Meetings

NTIA hosted public meetings and solicited comments and letters regarding BTOP from individuals and groups outside the Department of Commerce to capture the public’s views and opinions.

Compliance Materials

Service Provider, State, and Tribal Government Comments

The Service Provider Response Period is now closed.

NTIA posted a list of the Census block groups that each Round 2 CCI applicant proposed to serve through its project. Existing broadband service providers had the opportunity to submit information about the broadband services they currently offer in their respective service territories by Census block group or tract. The Service Provider list below contains the Executive Summaries of each service provider’s submission.

Public notice summaries from service providers have been posted below.

Announcement of Proposed Funded Service Areas Comment Period

Pursuant to section V.D.3.d of the Notice of Funds Availability (NOFA), NTIA posted a list of the Census block groups or tracts that each Round 2 Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI) applicant has proposed to serve through its project. The posting of this information initiated a window for existing broadband service providers to submit information about the broadband services they currently offer in their respective service territories by Census block group or tract.

Each file type below contains a comprehensive list of the 69,880 Census block group or tract numbers that Round 2 CCI applicants have proposed to serve through their projects. Service Providers will need to review this list of Census block groups or tracts and complete the Service Response Template to submit a challenge. Please note that Census block group or tract numbers are not listed according to specific applications. NTIA will connect challenges from Service Providers to the proposed service areas of relevant Round 2 CCI applications.

Service Providers may download one of the following file types to view the list of Census block groups or tracts that Round 2 CCI applicants have proposed:

  1. MS Excel 2007 (1 file) – For respondents using MS Excel 2007, download one single file (.xlsx). Recommended browser: Mozilla Firefox.
  2. MS Excel 2003 (2 files) – For respondents using MS Excel 97-2003, download two files (Part I and Part 2) in order to see the full complement of Census block groups or tracts.
  3. Comma Delineated .csv file (1 file) – For respondents not using MS Office

    (Note: To use the .csv file with Excel, you must create a new Excel file, then import the data from the .csv file into the new file and set the data type for the tract/block group number column to text. Opening the file directly in Excel or importing the data as numbers will cause Excel to drop significant leading zeros and cause some of the tract and block group numbers to become invalid.)

Frequently Asked Questions

NTIA has released Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for the Proposed Funded Service Area Comment period.

Dates of the Response Period:

The comment period for CCI proposed funded service areas opened on April 15th, 2010. The comment period is now closed. NTIA will accept documents via; however, we cannot guarantee that they will be considered when reviewing the merits of highly qualified CCI applications.

IMPORTANT: Announcement of Extended 25-day Comment Period for CCI Projects. The National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) announces that broadband service providers wishing voluntarily to provide information on the services they provide in the proposed funded service areas of any of the submitted Comprehensive Community Infrastructure (CCI) projects for the Broadband Technology Opportunities Program (BTOP) will have until 5 p.m. EDT on May 10th, 2010. Such information should include the broadband services they currently offer in their respective service territories by Census block group or tract. This comment period adds 10 days to the 15-day period originally provided in the BTOP Notice of Funds Availability for the second funding round (Second NOFA), 75 Fed. Reg. 3792, 3801 (Jan. 22, 2010).

Submitting a Response (Comment period now closed):

  1. Respondents may complete this Service Response Template (MS Excel) to submit a challenge. This template includes detailed instructions on completing the included worksheets.
  2. Navigate to and complete a short registration process.
    [Note: First time users on a Mozilla Firefox browser will need to click through several security screens: on Screen 1) Click "I understand the risks"; on Screen 2) Click "Add Exception"; on Screen 3) Click "Confirm Security Exception"]
  3. Once logged in, the respondent can then upload a single completed Service Response Template
  4. Help Desk support is available by calling 202-482-2048 or email:

Evaluating the Responses:

NTIA will consider the comments of existing broadband service providers as a factor in its evaluation of the applicant’s Last Mile or Middle Mile service area(s) provided that they include the following information, some of which will be made public: (1) the name of the company providing information on its broadband service offerings; (2) a summary describing the information the provider has presented to NTIA; (3) the number of households and businesses that have access to broadband service in the provider’s service territory by Census block group or tract; (4) the type of broadband services the provider offers in its service territory by Census block group or tract and the technology used to provide those services, including, for wireless carriers, the spectrum that is used; (5) the prices at which the broadband services are offered; (6) the speed of the broadband services that are offered; (7) the number of subscribers that the provider currently has for each of the broadband services it offers in its service territory by Census block group or tract; and (8) optionally, a list of the provider’s Points of Presence (POPs) in or near Census block groups or tracts listed by the announcement. The information submitted by an existing broadband service provider relating to items (3) through (8) enumerated above will be treated as proprietary and confidential to the extent permitted under applicable law. The information described in items (1) and (2) above, which includes the identity of the company submitting information and a summary of its response, will be made publicly available.

Publishing the Responses:

NTIA will post a list of the Census block groups or tracts in which existing broadband service providers have indicated that they provide broadband service at NTIA may consider any information submitted by existing broadband service providers as relevant to its prioritization and review of CCI applications and as part of its evaluation of the merits of a highly qualified CCI application.

Service Provider List

Service Providers C

Cable Montana, LLC Cable Nebraska, LLC
Callaway Telephone Company (ACS) Cameron Telephone Company, LLC
Canadian Valley Telephone Company Canby Telephone Association
Cannon Valley Cablevision, Inc. Cannon Valley Telecom, Inc.
CAP Cable, LLC Cap Rock Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Carnegie Telephone Company Cascade Communications Company
Cellular South Central Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Central Oklahoma Telephone Company Central Texas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
CenturyTel, Inc. dba CenturyLink Chariton Valley Telephone
Charter Communications, Inc. Chesnee Telephone Co
CHESTER TELEPHONE COMPANY d/b/a TRUVISTA Chickasaw Telephone Company
Chippewa Valley Choctaw Telephone Company
Choice Cable TV Choice Phone, LLC
Christensen Communications Company Christensen Communications-CLEC
Citizens Telephone Citizens Telephone Company
Citizens Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Clear Lake Independent Telephone Co
Clearwire Corporation C-M-L Telephone Cooperative Association
Cochrane Cooperative Telephone Company Coleman County Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Colorado Communications Transport, LLC Comcast
CommuniComm Services Community Digital Wireless, LLC
Community Telephone Company, Inc. Comporium Communications
ComSouth Corporation Consolidated Communications, Inc.
Consolidated Companies, Inc. Consolidated Telcom
Consolidated Telephone Company Conway Corporation
Coon Valley Farmers Telephone Company Cooperative Network Services, LLC
Cooperative Telephone Exchange Cox Communications
Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Crockett Telephone Company, Inc.
Cross Cable Television, L.L.C. Cross Wireless, L.L.C.
Crossville Telephone Company CT Communications Network, Inc.
Cunningham Communications

Service Providers D-F

Dakota Central Telecommunications Darien Telephone Company
DCN (Dakota Carrier Network), LLC Decatur Telephone Company, Inc.
Dedicated Fiber Systems, Inc. Delhi Telephone Company
Dell Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Delta Telephone Company Inc.
Dickey Rural Networks Docomo Pacific, Inc.
Dumont Telephone Company Duo County Telephone Cooperative Inc.

E. Ritter Telephone Company Eagle Valley Telephone Company
East Ascension Telephone Company LLC East Otter Tail Telephone Company (ACS)
Eastex Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Easton Telephone Company
Eccentrix Wireless Eckles Telephone Company
Egyptian Telephone Cooperative Electra Telephone Company
Elizabeth Telephone Co. Ellensburg Telephone Company d/b/a FairPoint Communications
ETC Communications Etex Communications, L. P.
Etex Telephone Cooperative, Inc.

FairPoint Missouri, Inc. d/b/a FairPoint Communications FairPoint Vermont, Inc.
Falcon1 Farmers Mutual Cooperative Telephone Company
Farmers Mutual Telephone Cooperative-Shellsburg Farmers Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Fast Track Communications Felton Telephone Company
Fidelity Communications Co. and Subsidiaries Flat Rock Telephone Co-Op Inc.
Franklin Telephone Co., Inc Front Porch Broadband
Frontier Communications FTC Diversified Services, Inc.

Service Providers S-U

S A Telephone Co. Sac County Mutual Telephone Company
Sandhill Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Santa Rosa Telephone
Savage Communications Inc. segTEL, Inc.
Sharon Telephone Company Shentel
Shidler Telephone Company Shoreham Telephone
Sledge Telephone Company, Inc. Sleepy Eye Telephone Company
Smithville Telephone Company, Incorporated SOMERSET TELEPHONE COMPANY
South Arkansas Telephone Company South Central Wireless, Inc.
South Slope Cooperative Telephone Company Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.
Southwest Telephone Company Southwest Texas Telephone Company
Spirit Telecom Spring Grove Communications
Spring Valley Telephone Sprint Nextel Corporation
Suddenlink Communications Sunflower Broadband
Swisher Telephone Company

Table Top Telephone Company, Inc. Tatum Telephone Company
Taylor Telephone Cooperative, Inc. TDS Telecommunications Corporation
Tekstar Communication Inc. (TCS) Telepak Networks, Inc.
Telephone Operating Company of Vermont LLC d/b/a FairPoint Communications Terril Telephone Coop
The Champaign Telephone Company The Community Agency
Time Warner Cable Inc. Titonka-Burt Communications
Tonica Telephone Company Totel CSI
Totelcom Communications, LLC Triangle Communications
Tri-County Communications Cooperative Tri-County Telephone Company, Inc.
Tularosa Basin Telephone Company tw telecom
Twin Lakes Telephone Cooperative Corporation Twin Valley / Ulen Telephone Company (ACS)
Twin Valley Communications Twin Valley Telephone

UBTA-UBET Communications, Inc. (dba Strata Networks) Uintah Basin Electronic Telecommunications
US Cable of Coastal-Texas, L.P. USA Communications, LLC

BTOP in Action

Image: A young student and her mom attend a Family Learning workshop. Computers for Youth Foundation, Inc.

Computers for Youth (CFY) held Family Learning Workshops for more than 1,700 families in high-...

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