U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine
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USARIEM News & Media

May 2011
G.I. Joe and The House of Pain
Outside Magazine features USARIEM research in a special issue on human performance. Chris Solomon writes about his own physical performance when exposed to heat, cold and high altitude. He interviews research physiologists about their current studies to support Soldier health and performance during an unprecedented visit to USARIEM. Visit Outside Magazine on-line: http://outsideonline.com//fitness/travel-ga-201105-army-lab-extreme-conditions-sidwcmdev_155626.html / View PDF

October 2010
Fort Benning Training Unit Beats the Heat
Video featuring Fort Benning initial entry training units piloting body temperature cooling technology to prevent heat injuries.

March 2010
American College of Sports Medicine Radio Interview
Exercise and the effects of air pollution on marathon running performance.

Cold Article Thumb

December 2009
Researcher Shares Cold Safety Tips for Soldiers
DotMilDocs, the official podcast of the Military Health System interviews Dr. John Castellani, Thermal & Mountain Medicine Division.  Preventing cold injuries and tips on identifying symptoms of hypothermia, frostbite and non-freezing cold injuries is discussed.
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Natick Web

November, 2009
Don't Sweat It
Protection against insect bites is a concern for U.S. servicemembers worldwide, but the impact of topical insect repellents on sweating is unknown.  LabTV captures a USARIEM research study in progress.
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Blog Radio Thumb

November 2009
Armed with Science: Episode #45: Nutrition Science and the Combat Ration
Dr. Andy Young, chief of the Military Nutrition Division at the US Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM), and Mr. Gerry Darsch, director of the DoD Combat Feeding Program at the Natick Soldier Research, Development and Engineering Center (NSRDEC), discuss how military organizations work together to provide Soldiers healthy, good-tasting, sustainable, and nutritionally sound combat rations.
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'First Strike Ration' Aims for Better Nutrition
Article describing how military organizations are working together to provide soldiers with healthy, good-tasting, sustainable and nutritionally sound combat rations.

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DefenseLink Article Spread

June 2009
The Science of Military Performance

DefenseLink, official website of the Department of Defense, features the U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental Medicine (USARIEM).  Current research studies focused on improving Warfighter health and performance are highlighted. See complete overview with links to photo essay and video.
View DefenseLink Overview

Army Lab Works to Improve Soldiers' Health, Performance
View DefenseLink Article

Soldiers Volunteer for Testing To Improve Army Products
View DefenseLink Article

Lab Uses Science to Ease Soldiers' Loads
View DefenseLink Article

Hydration Device to Deliver Improved Taste, Performance
View DefenseLink Article

Army Lab Invents New Devise To Monitor Soldiers' Vitals
View DefenseLink Article


Web Radio Logo

July 2009
Mountain Medicine for the Warrior
Pentagon Web Radio talks with USARIEM's Dr. Stephen R. Muza, Thermal & Mountain Medicine Division. They discuss the impact of thin air of high altitude on conducting mountain operations and explain how the Army is using science to improve Warrior health and performance at high altitudes.

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Army Times Muza Thumbnail

July 27 2009
Army Times: Five Things Every Solder Should Know About High Altitudes
Army Times talks with USARIEM's Dr. Stephen R. Muza about understanding the challenging conditions of high altitude and how to deal with them.
View Army Times Article

Clean Competition Press Release Thumb

February 2009
Partnership for Clean Competition Appoints Scientific Advisory Board Members
Partnership for Clean Competition announces appointment of its first eight Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) members.
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BUSPH Article - Click to Download

November 2008
BUSPH Doctoral Student Wins Recognition for Army Jet Fuel Research Project
Boston University School of Public Health (BUSPH) Doctoral Student Kristen Smith works with USARIEM research team studying exposure to jet-propulsion fuel and neurological health in military personnel.
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Altitude Sickness Thumbnail - Click to Download

September 2008
Altitude Sickness Research Prepares Soldiers in the Field
Article features current altitude research at the Maher Memorial Altitude Laboratory on top of Pike’s Peak, in Colorado Springs.
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WPSM Article Thumbnail - Click to Download

July 2007
Researchers Test Warfighter Physiological Status Monitor
The Warfighter Physiological Status Monitor (WPSM) suite of sensors is field tested by the National Guard 1st Civil Support Team for Weapons of Mass Destruction (CST-WMD).
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Army AL & T Article Thumbnail - Click to Download

December 2007
Volunteers Climb to New Heights to Advance Army Research
Article on the Human Research Volunteer Program and its important role in studying physical performance and physiological responses of Soldiers in different environmental conditions as well as testing military items.
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Force Sensing Treadmil Article Thumbnail - Click to Download

May-June 2005
Force Sense – Dual-Belt Force-Platform Treadmill Advances Gait Studies
A newly patented Force Sensing Treadmill invented by USARIEM Biomechanical Researchers is featured.
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Military Stress Fractures Article Thumbnail

May 2004
Army Tackles Problem of Military Stress Fractures
American Forces Press Service article on USARIEM efforts to reduce military stress fractures.
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Warrior Article on Immersion Thumbnail

November-December 2003
Water Immersion Lab measures responses to heat, cold.
Researchers at USARIEM use the Water Immersion Lab to evaluate human responses to cold or hot environments.
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Cool the Force Award Poster

2005 Collaboration Team of the Year Award

BBMD science was an important part of the Cool the Force program, 2005 winner of the US Army Acquisition Corps' Collaboration Team of the Year award.

First Strike Ration Award Poster

2006 Collaboration Team of the Year Award

MND science played an important role in the development of the First Strike Ration, 2006 winner of the US Army Acquisition Corps' Collaboration Team of the Year award.