Program News

Sally McFarlane Joins ASR Program Management Team
Jan 30, 2013       
Dr. Sally McFarlane joined the Climate and Environmental Sciences Division of the Department of Energy as a Program Manager for the Atmospheric System Research (ASR) Program in December 2012. She co-manages the ASR Program with Dr. Ashley Williamson. Previously a research scientist in the Climate Physics group at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), [...]

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ASR Highlights from 93rd Annual American Meteorological Society Meeting
Jan 25, 2013       
Topics ranging from radioactive waste transport from the tsunami stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant to cloud seeding made headlines at the 93rd American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting in early January. In addition to these newsmakers, scientists funded by DOE’s Atmospheric System Research (ASR) program presented innovative research about the aerosol, cloud, and precipitation processes. [...]

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ASR Researchers Participate in American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting
Dec 01, 2012       
Next week, ASR principal investigators and researchers are presenting dozens of oral and poster sessions describing their research funded by ASR at the 2012 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Nearly 20,000 researchers from around the world will gather in San Francisco to attend the largest worldwide conference in the geophysical sciences. See the complete presentation [...]

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Hurricane Sandy Falls on ASR Working Group Meeting
Oct 29, 2012       
The Atmospheric System Research (ASR) working group meeting started on schedule this Monday, in spite of the imminent arrival of Hurricane Sandy. Most of the Cloud-Aerosol-Precipitation Interactions registrants are present, having arrived before the storm. There are many in the other two working groups—Aerosol Life Cycle and Cloud Life Cycle—whose flights were cancelled and several [...]

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ASR Scientists Lead Recent, Upcoming Field Campaigns
Jun 08, 2012       
ASR researchers led two recently completed campaigns in India and the Maldives, using the two ARM Mobile Facilities (AMF1 and AMF2). The AMF1 is already being installed at Cape Cod National Seashore in Massachusetts for its next campaign, while the AMF2 team is preparing for its next deployment on a cargo ship starting in [...]

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Pan-Global Atmospheric System Studies (Pan-GASS) Conference
May 21, 2012       
During September 10-14, 2012, the first Pan-Global Atmospheric System Studies (Pan-GASS) Conference will be held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Center in Boulder, Colorado. Held in conjunction with the Global Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (GEWEX) Global Land/Atmosphere System Study (GLASS) Panel as well as the Madden-Julian Oscillation Task Force, PAN-GASS [...]

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Program Members Gather in Virginia for Third Annual Atmospheric System Research Science Team Meeting
Apr 03, 2012       
From March 12–16, more than 300 participants attended the third annual Atmospheric System Research (ASR) meeting in Arlington, Virginia. This meeting allowed attendees to discuss ASR's core scientific themes and share findings from the past year through posters, talks, and breakout sessions. Monday's session opened with an orientation to the ARM Climate Research Facility for [...]

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