NHTS Data Center


To recognize the valuable role of National Household Travel Survey (NHTS) data in the transportation research process and to facilitate repeatability of the research, users of NHTS data are asked to formally acknowledge the data source. Where possible, this acknowledgement should take place in the form of a formal citation, such as when writing a research report, planning document, on-line article, and other publications. The citation can be formatted as follows:

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 2009 National Household Travel Survey. URL: http://nhts.ornl.gov.

2009 NHTS - Version 2.1, February 2011

Also see 2009 Publications for documentation.


File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS Windows Binary (.sas7bdat) 102 674
SAS Transport 98 598
DBase .dbf 93 990
ASCII .csv 104 621

Replicate Weights

Description Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
Replicate Weights 532 934

Roster File

Description Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
Roster file in SAS Windows binary format, Proc Format source code, and documentation. 3 40

Trip Chaining

Description Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
Trip Chaining datasets in SAS Windows binary format. Also see the documentation, the handout, and the 1995/2001 Trip Chaining datasets. 30 200

Source Code

Title Description
Formats.sas SAS PROC FORMAT library

2001 NHTS - Version 4.0, July 2005

User's Guide
Release Notes


File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS Transport 63 434
DBase .dbf 66 672
ASCII .csv 61 445

Replicate Weights

Description* Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
Household-level Weights 92 112
Person-level Weights 408 514
Long Trip File Weights 74 94
* For analysis of the Vehicle file, use the household-level replicate weight. For analysis of the Travel Day file, use the person-level replicate weight multiplied by 365. See Users Guide sections 7-D and 7-E for additional information.

Trip Chain Datasets* for 2001 NHTS and 1995 NPTS

File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS 80 646
* For additional information, see the Trip Chaining handout

Source Code

Title Description
Formats.sas SAS PROC FORMAT library
Import.sas Provides example source code to import the contents of the SAS transport file

2001 NHTS Transferability National Files

Transferring 2001 National Household Travel Survey (ORNL report) [PDF]


Description Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
Transferability statistics by Tract, CSV format 120 280
Example Tract spreadsheet, Excel 2003 XML format - -
Transferability statistics by TAZ, CSV format 4 20
Example TAZ spreadsheet, Excel 2003 XML format - -

1995 NPTS

User's Guide
Release Notes


File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS Transport 33 229
DBase .dbf 30 236
ASCII .csv 30 237

Trip Chain Datasets* for 2001 NHTS and 1995 NPTS

File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS 80 646
* For additional information, see the Trip Chaining handout

Source Code

Title Description
Formats.sas SAS PROC FORMAT library
Import.sas Provides example source code to import the contents of the SAS transport file
se.shtml SAS macro to calculate standard errors

1990 NPTS

User's Guide


File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS Transport 9 67
ASCII .csv 10 82

Travel Day with Adjusted Weights*

File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS 6 57
* For additional information, see the Summary of Travel Trends, Appendix 3

1983 NPTS

For additional information including introduction, glossary of terms, Users Guide, reports, and SAS datasets see the FHWA 1983 NPTS Web site.


File Format Download Size (MB) Installed Size (MB)
SAS Transport 3 39

Source Code

Title Description
Import.sas Provides example source code to import the contents of the SAS transport file

Research Datasets

Title Date Links
Estimation and Short Range Forecasting of County Level Vehicle Miles of Travel and Motor Fuel Use for the United States (through 2015) March, 2009 Paper [PDF]
Datasets [XLS]

Developed by the CTA, ORNL under funding from the FHWA