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Critical Developmental Activities
Critical developmental activities are experiences you can seek as you move through the career paths. Each of these experiences is associated with a specific career stage and provides the opportunity to strengthen both core and technical competencies.

The experiences listed in this document are recommended, but not required, for advancement. Before you engage in a particular developmental experience, you should discuss the experience with your manager. Remember that workload considerations may affect the ability of your supervisor to provide you with some of the developmental assignments suggested in this document. For this reason it is a good idea to seek out opportunities for learning that may not involve formal assignments. When you and your supervisor have agreed on a developmental experience, discuss what you should gain from the experience.

Specialty Areas Header
Employee Benefits Performance Management / Employee Relations / Labor Relations Human Resource Development Military
Recruitment and Placement Compensation Classification Information Systems
Additional Career Paths in HR Header
Policy Executive Services

Select an area to see its associated critical developmental activities.
