Women in Science and Technology
at Fermilab
Lunch at the Venice Tavern
Who We Are
We are an informal group of women scientists, technicians, and engineers who gather for lunch and discussion once a month.
Our mailing list also provides us with an opportunity to engage in sometimes lively discussions about issues affecting women working at Fermilab.
Lunch dates and places are selected by those wishing to attend.
To subscribe to women_scientists@fnal.gov, please follow the instructions on the listserv users page.
Present: Aria Soha, Donatella Torretta
Past: Sharon Hagopian, Supriya Jain, Kristal Mauritz, Wyatt Merritt, Jen Pursley, Sarah Schlobohm, Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy, Jean Slaughter, Linda Stutte, Jodi Wittlin
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