• U.S. Department of Energy
  • Fermilab



Juanita Frazier x3793

Heather Sidman x3326

Telephone 630-840-4367
Employee Relations Office WH15NE

  • Mothers at Work Guidelines

    Mothers at Work Lactation Program Guidelines

    The purpose of the Mothers at Work Lactation Program is to support breastfeeding mothers in the workplace by accommodating the mother who wishes to breastfeed her child or to express milk when separated from her child during the workday.

    View the guidelines here.

  • Mothers Room

    Mothers' Room

    The Mothers' Room located in WH9NW has 2 private stations (one with hospital grade pump), glider chairs, outlets for personal travel pump, microwave for steam cleaning parts, refrigerator for milk storage, baby changing station and resource materials.

    Click here for more details.

  • Testimonials


    View testimonials from those who have benefited from the Mothers Room. If you would like to add a testimonial, please contact Employee Relations at x4367.

  • Resources Education Support

    Resources, Education and Support

    View local hospitals, lactation consultants, and La Leche leagues:

    Breastfeeding Resources

    Classes and Education

    Support Groups

Mothers at Work Lactation Program

Congratulations on the birth of your child! We expect you will find it rewarding and challenging as you settle into your role as “Mommy” while focusing on your career at Fermilab. It is our mission to ease your transition back to work and to assist you in continuing to provide your baby with breast milk.

View the navigation to the right for program guidelines, Mothers (Lactation) Room schedule, resources and more.

Contact Employee Relations with any comments or suggestions on this program.

Current Mothers' Room Schedule

  • 3.1.2012
  • 3 Mothers are currently using the room. Contact Kathleen Venn Bowers x4367 before you return to work from Maternity Leave to secure a space in the Mothers' Room or to request assistance for a Mothers' Room in a location outside Wilson Hall.