Resources for:

Reentry Resources

Back to Offender Reentry

A Guide to Treatment, Education and Job Related Services Within CSOSA (July 2011,

Adobe Acrobat PDF format CSOSA's Faith-Based Initiative Service Provider Resource Guide 2009 [2.21MB]

H1N1 Flu: A Guide for Community and Faith-Based Organizations - Provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

Directory of Resources - Provided by the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia

Adobe Acrobat PDF format D.C. Prisoners Legal Service Project [364.6KB]
A Guide for Family and Friends of Prisoners

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Food Pantries / Grocery Assistance Locations [79.3 KB]
- Provided by the CSOSA Faith-Based Initiative

Adobe Acrobat PDF format A Housing Guide for Reentering Women in D.C. [1.29 MB]
Provided by Georgetown Law, The Community Justice Project

Adobe Acrobat PDF format InterFaith Conference of Metropolitan Washington Emergency Food and Shelter Directory [318KB]

National Directory of Programs Available for Women Offenders
Provided by the National Institute of Corrections, in partnership with the Women's Prison Association

National Reentry Resource Center
A project of the Council of State Governments Justice Center

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Prisoner Reentry [232KB]
Compiled by National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Report and Comprehensive Evaluation of the Previously
Incarcerated Peoples (PIPs) Forum, January 29, 2005

Adobe Acrobat PDF format Starting Out, Starting Over, Staying Out [1256.81KB]
A Guide for District of Columbia Ex-Offenders:
Housing, Food, Employment and Other Resources (DC-CURE)



Adobe Acrobat PDF format Fact Sheet: Offender Reentry in Washington, DC

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Employment Information

As a Federal agency with a distinctly local mission, CSOSA employees perform challenging work that directly affects public safety in the District of Columbia's neighborhoods.