Fermilab Business Services Section
Fermilab Business Services Section

Telecommunications - Lab Owned Voice Pagers

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Voice Pagers are purchased through the Telecom Department and considered Fermilab property. Voice pagers hold a three or four digit call number which will be chosen by the Telecom Department unless an existing call number or group call number is being requested. All requests for pagers with the 113 emergency call number are contingent on approval from the ES&H Section Office.


Sending a page to a voice pager:


  1. From any Fermilab extension, dial “72” and wait for the beep.
  2. Enter the 4-digit call number of the pager. Three digit call numbers should be preceded with a “0” (for example “0444”).
  3. Speak your message following the second beep.
  4. Hang up the phone.

Only Fermilab employees may submit a purchase requisition for a voice pager. While visitors and contractors may be recorded as the user of the pager, the responsible holder must be an employee. Requestors must complete a paper purchase requisition(see below) and submit the completed form to the Telecom Department. This purchase requisition must include a valid project and task code and be approved by the requestor’s supervisor. The responsible holder of the lab-owned pager is required to complete and submit to Telecom an Inventory Verification annually.