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data: (da • ta ) n. a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
ferret: ( fer' • it ) v. To uncover and to bring to light by searching; to search intensively.

TheDataWeb is a site to support and promote organizational and multi-agency collaborative efforts to enhance the DataFerrett project  
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DataFerrett Users' Guide

A work in progress, it will be updated continuously as new material is developed.

Part 1 - Getting Started

Chapter 1 - History of DataFerrett

Chapter 2 - DataFerrett At A Glance

Chapter3 - System Requirements

Chapter 4 - Data types supported

Chapter 5 - Differences between SAS/SPSS and DataFerrett

Part 2 - Details for Accessing and Manipulating Data

Chapter 6 - Tab Overview

Chapter 7 - Step 1: Select Survey & Variables Tab

Chapter 8 - Browse Variables Window

Chapter 9 - Browse/Select Geographies Wizard - UPDATED to new interface - 12/05/2012

Chapter 10 - Step 2: DataBasket/Download/MakeATableTab

Chapter 11 - Recode Window

Chapter 12 - Make a Table

Chapter 13 - Make A Graph

Chapter 14 - Making A Map

Chapter 15 - Download

Function/Feature Index

Special Instructions for Extractions using American Community Survey 5-Year Summary File Users

Special Instructions for Extractions for SIPP Users

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Last update: 1/28/11

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