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data: (da • ta ) n. a collection of facts from which conclusions may be drawn
ferret: ( fer' • it ) v. To uncover and to bring to light by searching; to search intensively.

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Advanced Topics

DataFerrett Advanced Training Topics

  • Data integration - dataset joining by common variable (Example 1)
  • Multiple-variable recodes
    • microdata (Example 2)
    • aggregate data (Example 1)
  • Multi-instance tabulations
    • averaging across time (Example 2)
    • time in spreadsheet (Example 2)
  • Spreadsheet functions
    • formulas
      • computational calculation (Example 1)
      • summing calculation (Example 4)
      • ranks (Example 4)
      • if conditions (Example 4)
      • using a single cell as part of the formula instead of entire row or column (Example 6)
      • calculating medians (or any percentile) on-the-fly (Example 7)
    • sorting (Example 2)
    • changing order of operations (Example 4)
    • create custom spanners (Example 4)
    • clearing one dimension only (Example 3)
    • advanced tables
      • turning on and off totals/cross-variable explosion (Example 2)
      • nesting / not nesting (multiple tables in one spreadsheet) (Example 2)
      • hiding rows/columns (Example 4)
      • viewing hidden rows/columns (Example 4)
    • changing universes (modifying variables) from the spreadsheet (Example 3)
    • view underlying records (Example 3)
    • timeseries graph (Example 2)
    • list mode (Example 5)
    • navigation of hierarchical variables (e.g. naics. problem - LED and EWKS are embargoed. demonstration only)
  • mapping (Example 3)
    • points on a theme (Example 3)
  • calculating medians on-the-fly (Example 7)


Example 1

Data integration - dataset joining by common variable: Creating a Single Table using Mutiple Datasets

Other features illustrated: Aggregate data multi-variable recode, computational calculation

Background: Different datasets may have variables whose value sets are defined alike(comparable). Examples include demographic variables (e.g. gender, race, marital status) and geographic variables (e.g. FIPS state, FIPS county). Co-tabulation allows you to tabulate information from the different datsets side by side using the comparable variable as a hinge (one of the dimensions).

Goals: 1) Estimate the number of people per gas station in each county in Maryland. 2) Add the number of households without vehicles to the table.

Example 2

Multi-variable recode for microdata

Other features illustrated: Using percent buttons, sorting on a column, creating a timeseries graph from a table cell(s), creating a table that averages across time, creating a table that shows data over time, turning off/on Automatic Totals, cross-variable explosion, nesting vs. not nesting

Background: In microdata datasets, you can create new variables with values that are based on the combinations of multiple variables' values.

Goals: 1) Determine the percentage of people with and without health care coverage by age groups. 2) Examine health insurance coverage numbers over time.

Example 3

Mapping address points on a thematic map

Other features illustrated: Viewing underlying records, clearing one dimension, changing universe from the spreadsheet

Background: If a dataset has address point information that has been defined correctly, points can be mapped on top of a thematic map from a separate dataset.

Goals: 1) Show the locations of all the public schools in DC on top of a thematic map showing the median household income by tracts from SF3. 2) Show how you can view the underlying records from the spreadsheet to see all the information for the universe of the selected cell(s).

Example 4

Spreadsheet functions - Ranking, weighted ranking, order of formula processing.

Other features illustrated: Summing calculation, hiding columns, creating column spanners, viewing hidden columns, IF conditions

Background: This example shows how you can use ranking and apply weights to those ranks in order to answer questions like "What is the best county for ...?"

Goals: 1) Create a table that will rank the best county in the US in which to live, based on our 3 criteria - commute time, median household income, and median housing value. 2) Limit our rankings to counties that meet our population size criteria - between 50,000 and 150,000 people.

Example 5

List mode - showing a list of only those records meeting a set criterion

Other features illustrated: Advanced SQL

Background: You can have your table only show results for the records that meet your criteria. For example, if you want to see all the counties within a select number of states that have a population within a certain size, you can get those listed in a table and include additional information from the dataset.

Goals: 1) Create a listing of all the counties in Alabama, Georgia, and Florida that have a population of less than 75,000 people. 2) Also show the actual population estimate and the median household income for those counties.

Example 6

Using a single cell as part of a formula instead of the entire row or column

Other features illustrated: Column number formatting (decimals shown)

Background: The DataFerrett spreadsheet typically does row and column calculations since calculations normally apply to all cells in the row or column equally. However, sometimes you want to create a calculation that uses one specific cell as part of the formula and not the entire column or row.

Goal: Create a table that calculates the percentage of drivers within commute time ranges for a set of counties, while still showing the numbers of drivers within each commute time.

Example 7

Calculating medians (or any percentile) on-the-fly

Other features illustrated: Column formulas and IF conditions

Background: The DataFerrett spreadsheet allows you to calculate medians (or any percentile) on-the-fly by creating your own bins (microdata) or utilizing income distribution counts (aggregate data), and using standard formulas to calculate the linear percentile you have defined within a given distribution.

Goal: Create a table that calculates the median income for age groups (for the population 15 and over) using the March CPS supplement (Annual Social and Economic Supplement).

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Last update: 1/28/11

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