Ocean Science

Ocean Science is the science and technology journal of the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).  The bureau funds on average $30 million per year for scientific studies in the Gulf of Mexico, the Atlantic, the Pacific, and the Arctic.  Data gained from these studies inform policy decisions regarding offshore oil, natural gas and renewable energy development.  The information is also used by other federal and state agencies in decision-making and by members of academia and experts in the private sector.  BOEM is one of the leading contributors to the body of scientific knowledge about the nation’s marine and coastal environments. 

October/November/December 2012

Ocean Science Oct Nov Dec 2012
  • The Marine Minerals Program: Meeting the Needs of Our Nation's Coastline
  • The Value of Marine Minerals Program Studies
  • The Success of Marine Minerals Program Projects
  • Spotlight on Studies: Gulf of Mexico Hydrates and the Hydrate Research Consortium
  • Preserving History Within Sand Extraction Areas
  • The Marine Mineral Resource Potential of the Pacific Outer Continental Shelf
  • New Waves: Late-Breaking News and Information

April/May/June 2012

Ocean Science Apr May Jun 2012
  • Science in Transformation
  • Traditional Knowledge and Sociocultural Studies
  • Subsistence Use Mapping Reveals Valuable Traditional Knowledge
  • Integrating Traditional Knowledge into Biological Resource Studies
  • Cultural Landscapes: Traditional Knowledge Across the Pacific Rim
  • Fenton Rexford (Interview), Tribal Administrator of the Native Village of Kaktovik
  • Where Do We Go From Here?  

January/February/March 2012

Ocean Science Jan Feb Mar 2012
  • BOEM’s Renewable Energy Program: Smart Initiatives Lead to Offshore Progress
  • Roundup of State Activities
  • BOEM and Partners to Study Offshore Renewable Energy: Collaboration Pursues Answers to a Sea of Development Questions
  • Evaluating Potential Visual Impacts on Historic and Cultural Resources
  • Spotlight on Studies: Compendium of Avian Information and Comprehensive GIS Database for the Atlantic
  • For the Birds: An Overview of Renewable Energy-Related Avian Studies

Ocean Science Archive:

2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 

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