U.S. Department of Commerce

Federal, State, & Local Governments

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Census Bureau Reports about Governments

Census of Governments
Elections & Elected Officials
Employment & Payroll (of federal, state, and local governments)
Federal Programs
Finances of States & Local Governments
Government Organization (includes the number of governments, types of governments, powers and responsibilities of governments)
Property Valuation
Public Pensions / Retirement Systems of Governments
School Finance

Census of Governments

Employment & Payroll
Exploring the Intricate Layers of State and Local Governments (2007)
Government Finance
Government Organization & Individual State Descriptions
Graphic Summary
Historical Statistics on Government Finances and Employment
Local Government in Metropolitan Areas
Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, and Guam
Procedural History and Guides
Regional Organizations (Topical Study, 1977 Census of Governments) -Vol.6 No.6 [PDF, 5.35MB]
State Bulletins
State Snapshots: Exploring the Intricate Layers of State and Local Governments (2007)
Taxable Property Values

Elections & Elected Officials

Popularly Elected Officials

Employment & Payroll

City Employment
Compendium of Public Employment See Public Employment
Employment of Major Local Governments
Government Costs for Employee Benefits
Labor-Management Relations
Public Employment

Federal Programs

Consolidated Federal Funds Report
Federal Aid to States
Federal Expenditures by State

Finances of states and local governments

City Government Finances
Compendium of Government Finances See Government Finances
County Government Finances
Finances of County Governments: See County Government Finances
Finances of Municipal and Township Governments See City Government Finances
Finances of Special District Governments
Government Finance
State Government Finances Summary
State and Local Government Finances Summary
State Payments to Local Governments
State Reports on State and Local Government Finances
State Government Tax Collections Summary Report

Government Organization

Government Organization & Individual State Descriptions

Property Valuation

Taxable Property Values

Public Pension Systems

Public Pension Systems: State- and Locally-Administered Pensions
Public Pension Systems: State-Administered Pensions
Public Pensions, Quarterly

School Finance

Finances of Public School Systems See Public Education Finances
Finances of School Districts See Public Education Finances
Public Education Finances


Quarterly Summary of State and Local Government Tax Revenue
State Government Tax Collections Summary Report

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Federal, State, & Local Governments | 1(800) 242-2184| govs.cms.inquiry@census.gov |  Last Revised: December 21, 2012