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About CSE

Director Emilio Brunel
Director Emilio Bunel

The Chemical Sciences and Engineering Division (CSE) is a science-based research, development, and early-stage engineering organization that conducts both fundamental and applied research using experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches.

CSE research and development is distinguished by the development and application of fundamental understanding to yield transformational solutions that address issues of scientific and technological importance to the Department of Energy (DOE) and the nation.

CSE Staff

CSE's experts have formal training in chemistry; physics; materials science; and electrical, mechanical, chemical, and nuclear engineering. They are specialists in catalysis; electrochemical systems; the nuclear fuel cycle; combustion chemistry; and time-resolved, multi-scale and ultra-fast chemistry. Staff are organized according to their research area.

CSE Work

Research and development is focused in five areas:

CSE Facilities

The Division hosts several facilities that provide technical support of research within and outside Argonne. These are the:

CSE facilities work in concert with others at Argonne, including the Advanced Photon Source and Center for Nanoscale Materials, as well as facilities at leading universities, other national laboratories, and international organizations.

Working with Argonne

Argonne has many types of contractual agreements to meet the needs and interests of industry, academia, governments, federal agencies and others. Argonne does not compete with private industry and will not accept work that can be performed by commercial sources.

To learn about working with Argonne, visit Argonne's Technology Development and Commercialization Division web site.

March 2011


Emilio Bunel

U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science | UChicago Argonne LLC
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