Argonne National Laboratory Nuclear Engineering Division

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U.S. Department of Energy

Robotics Laboratory

The Robotics Laboratory (RL) houses various remote manipulator systems, including the Dual Arm Work Platform, to support enhancements to teleoperation of remote systems for nuclear applications.

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Argonne scientists are using computer simulation and robot task programming tools to enhance the safety and efficiency of telerobotics in applications such as the decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) of nuclear power plants. Researchers can visualize robotic operations in a 3-D graphics environment, plan the layout and motion sequence of the robotic equipment, simulate the robot’s motion to verify proper operation, and generate validated instructions to program Argonne’s dual-arm robot.

Dual Arm Collaboration

Sodium Reaction Test Chamber

A robot’s task capability can be greatly expanded by having two arms work together. Although this is an inherent capability of humans and animals, dual arm collaboration is an unproven robotic technology that requires complex geometric reasoning and motion control. There are two key technologies in robotics. One is motion planning, which involves computation of motion trajectories in time that may displace the robots in appropriate spatial paths while avoiding physical collisions. Another is kinesthetic control, which involves the computation of stable interactive forces and the mechanical stiffness of the two arms in response to the perceived sensory information. These technologies are essential for implementing safe operation of multiple robot systems.

Robotics Laboratory

Robotics Lab

An experimental robotics laboratory is being set up in order to support experimental verification of the software paradigms for process planning, motion planning and control. The laboratory is equipped with two teleoperated hydraulic manipulators, multiple cameras and other supporting devices -- all under the control of a single system. By adopting open architecture and multiple single board computers, the low-end of the controller provides the highest flexibility for functional modifications and ample bandwidth for implementing sophisticated control algorithms. The high end of the controller is a UNIX based computer, which supports standard network communications with other information servers, such as the graphic motion planner.

Last Modified: Fri, February 19, 2010 8:50 PM



For more information:

Sensors, Detectors & Diagnostics Dept.
Robotics Lab Supervisor: Y.S. Park
Fax:  +1 630-252-1774


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