United States Department of Veterans Affairs

Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System

Operation Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn


Have you recently returned from military service? If you've served, you've earned benefits. Now
is the time to take advantage of the benefits VA offers OEF/OIF/OND Veterans. Please do so NOW!  

5 years of cost free health care.
If you are a discharged combat Veteran of Operation Iraqi Freedom, Operation Enduring Freedom, or Operation New Dawn, VA can provide you with medical care for conditions you believe are related to your military service, regardless of your income or eligibility status, provided you register/enroll for that care within 5 years of your date of discharge. During this 5-year window, your care for anything possibly related to your combat duties may be free of charge. For all other care you may incur a small copayment for your visits.  If you decide to register/enroll after the 5-year window of opportunity, your eligibility for care will depend on other criteria (to include your income level). Please call the point of contact listed below as soon as you are discharged.

Combat service Veterans
who served after the Gulf War or against a hostile force after November 11, 1998, qualify and are eligible for hospital care, medical services and nursing home care for 5 years after discharge from the military.

180 day dental benefit — OEF/OIF/OND combat Veterans may be eligible for one-time dental care — but you must apply with 180 days of your separation date from active duty.  More info: Combat Veterans Fact Sheet.

Are You Looking for a good job? — Take advantage of the variety of resources that can help you land one.Want to work at VA? VA's Veterans Employment Coordination Service recruits Veterans. Email or call 866-606-6206 to get in touch with a regional Veteran employment coordinator in your area.
Am I eligible? You may be eligible for VA benefits if you are:
  • A Veteran
  • A Veteran's dependent
  • A surviving spouse, child or parent of a deceased Veteran
  • An active duty military service member
  • A member of the Reserve or National Guard
    Contact VA to find out!
    VA has many ways to verify a person’s military service, so you may not need your service record in hand to get care. Find out where your local VA OEF/OIF/OND team is located by clicking on the button to the right or calling the toll-free VA OEF/OIF/OND Help Line for more info: 1-866-606-8216.

Please speak with the point of contact at your local Southeast Louisiana Veterans Health Care System facility for additional information and assistance.

Eleanor Chapital, MSN, RN-BC OEF/OIF Program Manager 

OEF/OIF/OND Program Manager
Eleanor Chapital, MSN, RN-BC
1515 Poydras Street
Suite 2180
New Orleans, LA
(504) 566-8478

Visit the VA benefits for Veterans of Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom/New Dawn website for more information.  You may also need to request military records*.


* Links will take you outside of the Department of Veterans Affairs website. VA does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of the linked websites. The link will open in a new window.