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Medical Information

Medical and Emergency Information

  • Police: Dial 122
  • Fire: In the event of a fire dial 123.
  • Ambulance: Dial 124 or 611-1111

In the event of a serious medical emergency, take the following steps:

1. Call 124 or 611-111.

2. State "I have an emergency and need an ambulance" (Ja trebam hitnu pomoć). Speak slowly and clearly when speaking with the operator. Stay calm and describe the situation. For example:

"My friend, spouse, child is having ... "     

  • Chest Pain (Bol u grudima)
  • Trouble Breathing (Problem sa disanjem)
  • Unconscious (Bez svijesti)
  • Bleeding (Krvarenje)
  • Serious Injury (Ozbiljna povreda)
  • Head, neck, back (Glava, vrat, leđa)
  • Possible Poisoning (Moguće trovanje)

3. State your specific address:

  • My address is ... Moja adresa je ...

4. Give the name of the patient.

When an ambulance is called, the call routes through the Institute of Emergency Medical Care in Sarajevo, which will decide whether the patient should come to the Institute or go to the nearest hospital. The doctor is also available to give medical advice over the phone. The number of calls, traffic conditions, and the weather may affect ambulance response time. Calls will be triaged according to severity; so please be as clear as possible on the patient’s condition.

Emergency Care for Children

The Pediatric Clinic at the University of Sarajevo, Kosevo Hospital is available in the case of pediatric emergencies. They have inpatient beds and pediatric intensive care units.

Phone: (033) 297-000
Address: Bolnicka 25, Sarajevo

The Institute of Emergency Medical Care will see children on a 24-hour basis.

Phone: 124 or 611-111
Address: Kolodvorska 14, Sarajevo

The State Hospital also has a pediatric clinic. However it is not highly equipped for pediatric emergencies, nor does it have inpatient pediatric wards.

Phone: (033) 285-100
Address: Kranjceviceva 19, Sarajevo

Fees for Medical Services

Bosnian health services are not as standardized regarding fees. Most private clinics have a list of prices of procedures available. The prices are usually similar between clinics. Some private clinics may charge slightly higher prices to the international community. To avoid misunderstandings, fees should always be discussed on initial consultation or when the appointment is made. Public health facilities, such as ambulances (clinics) and hospitals, have standard "international" fees for services. These fees can be three times the usual "Bosnian" fees. You should discuss fees before receiving services.

If your health insurance policy does provide coverage outside the United States, you should remember to carry both your insurance policy identity card as proof of such insurance and a claim form. Although many health insurance companies will pay "customary and reasonable" hospital costs abroad, very few will pay for medical evacuation back to the United States. Medicare does not provide coverage for hospital or medical costs outside the United States.

After Hours Pharmacies in Sarajevo

"Bascarsija" Pharmacy
Obala Kulina Bana 25
Phone: (033) 272-300

Novo Sarajevo
Zmaja od Bosne 51
Phone: (033) 713-830

U.S. Poison Control Center

National Capitol Poison Center
Washington, D.C. (001) 202-625-3333

Medical Emergency Phrases
English (Bosnian)

  • Emergency (Hitno)
  • I don’t speak Bosnian (Ne govorim Bosanski)
  • Do you speak English (Da li govorite Engleski)
  • I need an ambulance (Ja trebam hitnu pomoć)
  • My address is (Moja adresa je)
  • Please get a doctor quickly (Molim vas dovedite doktora brzo)
  • Please take me to the hospital (Molim vas odvedite me u bolnicu)
  • I have (Ja imam)
    • Serious injury (Ozbiljna povreda)
    • head, neck, back (glava, vrat, leđa)
    • Possible poisoning (Moguće trovanje)
    • Chest Pain (Bol u grudima)
    • Trouble Breathing (Problem sa disanjem)
    • Unconscious (Bez svijesti)
    • Bleeding (Krvarenje)
    • Heart attack (Infarkt srca)