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Home arrow Chairman's Award for Federal Achievement in Historic Preservation
Chairman's Award for Federal Achievement in Historic Preservation

Nomination Requirements
Nomination Filing
Selection Process
Contact Information

The Chairman’s Award for Achievement in Historic Preservation recognizes projects, programs, or policies that make significant contributions to historic preservation in conjunction with a federal entity or property. This award also acknowledges noteworthy accomplishments in the promotion and advancement of the current Administration’s goals with respect to cultural and natural heritage resources and historic preservation, especially those which add benefit for the federal government and the public.

Any federal agency; state, local, or tribal government; non-profit organization; or business is eligible to receive a Chairman’s Award. Nominations must be related to federal stewardship, actions, activities, or undertakings.

The Chairman’s Award is conferred several times a year and is not tied to a specific award cycle. It usually is presented at ACHP business meetings.

Nominations must meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • Exemplary project, program, or policy resulting in rehabilitation and active use of one or more historic resources;
  • Outstanding organizational leadership in historic preservation public policy, or on issues of importance to historic preservation policy;
  • Exemplary stewardship, treatment, or use of one or more historic resources;
  • Significant contribution to economic development, community revitalization, heritage tourism, education, public involvement, sustainability, and livable communities, or other public benefit through preservation activities or programs; including those that focus on youth engagement or the involvement of underserved and diverse audiences;
  • Exemplary advancement of cultural heritage programs such as America’s Great Outdoors or Preserve America;
  • Promotion of heritage tourism and historic preservation efforts that demonstrate involvement of local government and/or other partners or stakeholders, including the federal government.

Projects must be completed - and programs or relevant policies must be substantially implemented - before a nomination is submitted. Nominated projects must have been completed in the last three years.

Nomination Requirements
All nomination materials must include the following:

  • A brief description (no more than 800 words) of the project, program, or policy that is being nominated, including:
    • An explanation of the significance of any historic resources involved in the nomination.
    • If applicable, the status of compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
    • If the nomination involves a project or program: an explanation of the challenges met; any unique strategies or approaches undertaken; the impact of the project or program; and how it could be a model for other agencies.
    • If other agencies or organizations made significant contributions to the success of a project, program, or policy, provide a description of their contributions. List contact person, title, agency/organization address, telephone, and e-mail address.

Nominations may also include:

  • Up to seven supporting documents (such as brochures, news/Internet articles, or similar explanatory information);
  • Up to three letters of recommendation submitted with nomination
  • A listing of any awards already received, if any.

Nomination Filing
Nominations may be submitted to the ACHP for consideration at any time. All nomination materials should be submitted together in a single package. All nomination material will be retained by the ACHP. Send completed nominations electronically ( or by regular mail:

Ms. Patricia Knoll
Attn: Chairman’s Award Nomination
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 803
Washington, DC 20004

Selection Process
After staff review for fulfillment of criteria, the staff will recommend award recipients to the ACHP chairman for final decision.

Contact Information
Questions regarding the nomination process may be directed to Ms. Patricia Knoll at or 202-606-1385.

Last updated: October 28, 2011

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