United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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“The soil is the great connector of our lives, the source and destination of all.” - Wendell Berry, 1977


South Carolina Public Affairs Team 

Our Mission

The South Carolina Public Affairs Team strives to educate and to communicate the importance of NRCS programs to internal and external customers in an effort to achieve broad-based support in the conservation of the state's natural resources

Some of our activities include:

  • Publishing Current Developments, a bi-monthly newsletter highlighting agency news in South Carolina. The newsletter features articles written by employees about significant NRCS projects and programs, conservation partners and employees.

  • Producing "A Voice for the Land", a 10-minute video illustrating NRCS in South Carolina.  This video is used as an outreach tool to give a general overview of the agency's mission and programs, while introducing  employees and clients from different regions of the state.  This video is available in in both DVD and VHS format.  For a copy, please contact the Public Affairs Team.

  • Researching and producing statewide news releases, displays, fact sheets, and other materials to assist in the understanding of conservation programs and activities.

  • Developing and coordinating communication strategic planning for statewide programs and projects.

  • Developing conservation outreach materials that can be used statewide.

  • Working with conservation partners to coordinate and implement special meetings, press conferences, conservation tours and other events.

  • Publishing a quarterly Media Update to keep print and broadcast media outlets aware of statewide activities.

  • Providing guidance and assistance on special county outreach efforts.

  • Contact the Public Affairs Team

  • SC Conservation video draft


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