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Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD)

Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism collagenoma syndrome
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Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism collagenoma syndrome is a condition that primarily affects the heart, skin, and testes in males. Affected individuals may have the following heart problems: tricuspid regurgitation, cardiomyopathy (especially of the right ventricle), atrial fibrillation, and chronic congestive heart failure. People with this condition have skin abnormalities in which collagen predominates (collagenomas). Males with this condition may have testicular failure, which is is the inability of the testicles to produce sperm or male hormones. Cardiomyopathy hypogonadism collagenoma syndrome is likely inherited in an autosomal dominant pattern.[1]

  1. Cardiomyopathy-hypogonadiasm-collagenoma syndrome. OMIM Database. October 26, 1998 Available at: Accessed April 28, 2009.
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