Special American Business Internship Training Program
Promoting Partnerships, Generating Results

Creating a Forum for Business Development and Technical Assistance

SABIT offers U.S. organizations an opportunity to network with Eurasian counterparts, and expose their products and services to potential business partners or customers. The Group Program encourages U.S. exports and investment in Eurasia by bringing delegations of managers and technical experts to the United States for up to four weeks of industry-specific training at sites across the country. These training sessions also facilitate technical assistance and knowledge transfer, thereby promoting economic and civil society development in Eurasia. SABIT is always looking for interested U.S. host companies and organizations to participate in the Group Program for one to two days of site visits and/or training seminars.

In addition to an industry focus, each Group Program invites Eurasian professionals from a specific geographic area within Eurasia, concentrating business development for U.S. companies inside these regions.


Any American profit or non-profit organization may host a group. Hosts volunteer to share their knowledge and expertise with delegations through presentations, site visits and roundtable discussions, which vary in length from a few hours to several days. The Group Program is ideally suited for small and medium-sized businesses that are new-to-market exporters looking to establish or expand relationships with potential customers, distributors, or partners in the Eurasian markets.


The SABIT Group Program provides delegations with technical training and exposure to U.S. business practices, products, and technologies. Each training session begins with an orientation in Washington, D.C. that includes overviews of relevant industries, the U.S. government, American culture, financing mechanisms, free market dynamics, and business plan development. The orientation is followed by on-site training with U.S. host companies in relevant regions of the United States. In addition, trainees attend conferences and technical seminars. This format provides the group with both a broad perspective of the industry, as well as detailed information about specific companies, products, and services.

SABIT arranges group logistics, and covers all costs associated with accommodation, transportation, and simultaneous interpretation, minimizing host company costs, and maximizing the benefit derived by both hosts and visitors.

Frequently Asked Questions about Hosting a SABIT Delegation


How much does it cost to participate in this program?
SABIT provides you with the key contacts in the industry and covers all lodging and transportation expenses for the delegation. All SABIT asks from you is your expertise, time, and facilities.


How many delegates will there be?
Most SABIT groups consist of 18 delegates. Host companies should also plan on two interpreters and possibly a SABIT program officer.


How do you determine which companies get to participate?
The program recruiter acts as a corporate liaison by contacting potentially interested companies within a specific industry to host the delegation for at least a half-day. SABIT finds companies by performing extensive industry research and chooses those companies that we believe have something to teach these delegates. Many companies also come in contact with the program recruiter and express interest.


Are there any qualifying factors to become a SABIT host company?
All companies must be American (not foreign-held) and fit into the overall goals of the SABIT program. Having past, current, or future interests in the Eurasian market is not mandatory.


Should I suggest a dress code? I am planning a site visit to a project and it can get dirty there.
Please mention your dress code suggestion to the program recruiter. Our delegates almost always dress in business attire unless otherwise instructed. If site visits require hard hats or steel-toe footwear, please be aware that SABIT does not provide these items.


How early can I start the seminars and presentations?
If you would like to meet the delegation in the morning, please schedule the day to begin no earlier than 9:00 am.


Do I have to prepare an agenda for the day?
Yes. The SABIT program recruiter needs an agenda to put into the delegates' program schedule. This includes the day's events and topics that will be covered, so that the delegates may come prepared with questions. Click here to view a sample agenda.


Do you want Power Point presentations?
Power Point presentations are useful to have for the delegates to bring back with them after their stay in the United States. SABIT program officers will prepare a CD-ROM for the delegation to take home, which may include your seminars, presentations, and other useful materials in electronic format.


I'm coordinating this visit but I will not actually make presentations to the delegation. Is this okay?
Of course. Many companies have marketing officers or international specialists that coordinate these events but may never actually make presentations. If this is the case, you must give the program recruiter the contact information of the individual(s) making the presentations.


My company doesn't have any material in Russian. Do I have to get it all translated?
Absolutely not. All information and marketing material that you may have to distribute does not necessarily have to be in Russian. Be assured that upon the delegates' return they may have literature translated as most companies have English language specialists.


I've got material in hard copy and on CD-ROM. Which do you recommend?
Any information that you have on compact disc is preferred - in this way you can be assured that your information will be efficiently disseminated throughout their organizations, and lightens the delegates' luggage as well. Hard copy versions are perfectly fine too.


Do the delegates typically have a technical background?
This depends on the SABIT group session and the delegates. Be sure to read the delegate biographies to determine their level of technical expertise. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the session program officers for guidance.


I'd like to plan on the delegation visiting various facilities, but they are not closely located and not within walking distance. Do I have to book a group bus or van?
We strongly encourage these types of site visits, therefore your program recruiter will make sure that a bus is available for the entire day at no cost to you. If you have planned an excursion that requires ground transportation, please let the SABIT program recruiter know so the bus will be available. We will need the times for pick up and drop off, addresses of the sites, including a contact telephone number. If that contact is yourself and you will be traveling with the delegation throughout the duration, please mention that.


I've never worked with an interpreter. What do I need to know? Do the delegates know any English?
Working with an interpreter is easy and minimally distracting. Expect the delegates' working knowledge of English range from nothing to near-fluency. Contact your program recruiter to determine the English level of the group.


My company would like to arrange a banquet or a reception to facilitate networking. Is this allowed?
Afternoon or evening networking receptions, banquets, luncheons, roundtables, etc. are highly recommended and appreciated.


Will SABIT pay for the associated costs of a networking event my company coordinates?
Unfortunately not. SABIT offers U.S. companies the opportunity to meet these professionals, however we do not have a budget for receptions.


Can I plan a working lunch?
Working lunches are culturally uncomfortable for SABIT delegates, as this business practice is not prevalent in Eurasia. In addition, it is inconvenient for our interpreters as they need a break as well.


Our office does not have a venue that is capable of hosting 20 people or more. Does SABIT have facilities where we can do a presentation?
SABIT can reserve a conference room at a local hotel if you find that your conference facilities are either occupied or cannot handle large numbers.


How do I follow up with the delegates after our seminars/site visits?
Follow-up contact is one of the most important aspects of the program. Be sure to get all the delegates' business cards and contact information. The program recruiter will also send you via e-mail a contact list at the end of the program. Please discuss further follow-up strategies with your SABIT program recruiter or your local U.S. Export Assistance Center.


Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Please contact the program recruiter of the group session that you are interested in.

Last Updated: 11/30/11 4:19 PM