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Press Releases 2011

U.S. Government Partners with IDLO to Improve Training for Legal Professionals in Southern Sudan, May 18, 2011

LTI Study Tour to Rwanda and Uganda

LTI Study Tour to Rwanda and Uganda

May 18, 2011

ROME – The U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) contributed $2 million to the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) for an innovative legal education program in southern Sudan.  The program will develop key training institutions for legal professionals in southern Sudan, as part of the U.S. Government’s efforts to assist in the improvement of the criminal justice sector.

Ambassador Ertharin Cousin, the U.S. Permanent Representative to the UN Agencies in Rome and current President of the IDLO Assembly of Parties stated, "This program represents the best aspects of collaboration as funds from the Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs will allow the International Development Law Organization to work hand-in-hand with legal professionals in southern Sudan to develop their judicial institutions. We look forward to more of these types of partnerships that expand access to legal protections by improving the rule of law."

Key program components include:

  • Law School Curriculum:   The University of Juba has been fully functional in Khartoum for many years.  As the Law School relocates to Juba, IDLO will assist Law School leadership in adapting the law school curriculum to the political and legal context of the soon-to-be independent state.  This project will allow a southern Sudanese institution to begin training its own legal professionals.
  • Legal Aid Clinic:   As legal professionals in southern Sudan attempt to reduce the barriers to justice in southern Sudan, IDLO will support the Law School to develop a Legal Aid Clinic.  This Clinic will help deliver services, and train future southern Sudanese legal professionals in how to effectively provide legal aid to those in need. 
  • Legal Training Institute:   This project also includes the development of a curriculum for the new Legal Training Institute (LTI).  Modeled on other institutions within the East African Community, the LTI will provide required practical training to recent law school graduates who plan to practice law in southern Sudan.  By developing the two curricula together, INL and IDLO will assist the development of a unified and efficient training system for desperately needed legal professionals in southern Sudan. 
  • Training Opportunities for Judges:   Finally, this project also includes a partnership with the Judiciary, as part of a continued effort to develop and transform the southern Sudanese legal system in a coordinated manner.

The INL Bureau works with the Government of Southern Sudan (GOSS) and the international community to develop the southern Sudanese criminal justice system.  INL supports the GOSS in its efforts to provide rule of law, security, and justice to the people of southern Sudan.