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Travel and Tourism

Videos about the U.S. States

  • map of Alabama

    Visit Alabama! Learn about this state and its history - with a focus on the civil rights struggle. Presented by Jennifer Hall Godfrey, Public Affairs Officer at the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Austria.  Transcript »

  • Arizona

    Arizona, the Grand Canyon State, offers breathtaking vistas and many exciting stories. Learn from our intern Cody Hill about Hopi kachina dolls and religion and find out which five Cs represent Arizona’s economy.  Transcript »

  • California

    Join political officer Mark Bosse on a virtual donkey ride through his home state of California, find out why it is called the Golden State and who Queen Califa was.  Transcript »

  • State of Connecticut

    A small state with a lot of nicknames: The Nutmeg State, the Constitution State, the Yankee State, the Land of Steady Habits and the Provision State. Public Affairs Officer Jan Krč describes Connecticut, then and now. Transcript »

  • map of Florida

    "Florida -- the Sunshine State," presented by Donna Eacho. Florida is home to one of the most famous amusement parks in the world, aka "The happiest place on Earth." Transcript »

  • map of Hawaii

    Aloha! Waikiki, hula, muumuu, Honolulu? You don't know what we are talking about? Check out the top ten of Hawaii by Catherine Muller, former Vice-Consul at the U.S. Embassy.  Transcript »

  • state of Indiana

    Watch Chad Lemond, Office of Defense Cooperation at the Embassy, talk about his home state Indiana!  Transcript »

  • Maryland map

    Did you know… that the only actual wild ponies in the U.S. live in Maryland? …or that the Maryland Blue Crab is the official State Crustacean? …and that a “Marylander” wrote the U.S. national anthem? Get on a guided tour with Ambassador Eacho on Maryland’s history and beauty.  Transcript »

  • map of Michigan

    Vice Consul Mark Bland introduces his home state Michigan, which boasts more than 11,000 lakes, produces 25% of all cars made in the U.S. and enriches the music world with Motown Records, Eminem and Madonna. Transcript »

  • map of Minnesota

    Robert Mevissen - intern at the U.S. Embassy - talks about the state of the 10,000 lakes. Transcript »

  • video about new jersey
    New Jersey

    "Beaches, gardens, inventions and rock stars! Get to know my home state -- New Jersey!" -- Marlene Monfiletto Nice, Cultural Attaché at the U.S. Embassy Vienna.  Transcript »

  • image of North Dakota
    North Dakota

    North Dakota is the home of Deputy Chief of Mission Lee Brudvig, who tells about the state’s history and its wide, open spaces where horses and buffalos roam free. Transcript »

  • Map of Oregon

    "A state with majestic natural resources and a fiercely independent character" - Nathan Cooper from the U.S. Mission to International Organizations in Vienna introduces his home state Oregon. Transcript »

  • State of Pennsylvania

    The Keystone state - key to America's independence. Check out the history and culture of Pennsylvania, where many German-speaking immigrants settled, with Christopher Hoh. Transcript »

U.S. Cities