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NIV Visa Categories

Journalist Visas

Representatives of the foreign media traveling to the U.S. on assignment may be eligible for classification under the I visa category. This may include members of the press, radio, film or television whose activities are essential to the foreign media function, such as reporters, film crews, editors and persons in similar occupations. Please note that only those who are actually involved in the newsgathering process are eligible (proof readers, librarians, or set designers are not eligible).

Freelance journalists and members of independent production companies will also be considered for an I visa if they are under contract to a media organization.

Persons engaged in the production or distribution of film only qualify for an I visa if the material being filmed will be used to disseminate information or news, and the primary source of funding and point of distribution will be outside the U.S. All published material must be documentary in nature.

Individuals or companies commissioned to work on film projects of commercial or entertainment value require the appropriate work visa (O, P or H), which involves obtaining employment authorization from the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) before applying for a visa.

I visas are also appropriate for foreign journalists working for an overseas branch, office, or subsidiary of a U.S. network, newspaper, or other media outlet if the journalist is going to the U.S. to report on U.S. events solely for a foreign audience. If the journalist will replace or augment American journalists reporting on U.S. events for an American audience, a work visa will be required.

Required Documents

In order to process an I visa application, please submit the following in addition to all other required documents: a copy of your press ID, as well as a letter from the editor stating your intentions in the U.S. and the length of your proposed stay. Freelance journalists and members of independent production companies must also submit a copy of their contract with a media organization.