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Ambassador's Speeches

Remarks at the Marine Corps Ball

Hotel Intercontinental, November 12, 2011

Thank you, Gunnery Sergeant Fandrei. Good evening!

Ambassador Kelly, members of the Marine Security Detachment, honored guests, colleagues and friends, it is an honor for me to welcome all of you to our 236th Marine birthday celebration.

Although I am named as the honored guest at this Marine Ball, the truth is, our dedicated Marines are the ones we honor tonight. As the son of a United States Marine, it is a special privilege for me to speak to you tonight.

The United States Marine Corps is one of the finest organizations in the world. Through the Marine Corps’ continued service, the United States can speak of great achievements worldwide over the past year.

As President Obama recently reported, we are implementing the US-Iraq security agreement in full and the pull-out of our operational troops will be complete by the end of this year. That milestone could not have been accomplished without the dedication, perseverance, and, too often, sacrifice of our Marine Corps as well as our other military and civilian colleagues who have served in Iraq.

Several of our Marines here today already have served bravely in Iraq, as well as Afghanistan, during their enlistment. Over the next several weeks, the rest of our forces will depart Iraq, leaving behind a smaller number of uniformed military, including a Marine Security Detachment, like we have in Vienna.

A number of events and visits, including that of Prime Minister Maliki to Washington in December, will highlight the end of the conflict, signify the beginning of a new phase in our relationship with Iraq and honor the sacrifices of Americans and Iraqis and others that have brought us to this point. Every one of our Marines today understood when they joined or when they re-upped that the work would be hard.

But they did what their Commander in Chief and their country asked of them and never wavered. In this, they have shown true honor, courage and commitment.

As President Obama said, “America, look at these young men and women. Look at these…Marines. Here are the values that we cherish. Here are the ideals that endure. In an era when too few citizens answer the call to service, to community or to country, these Americans choose to serve. They did so in a time of war, knowing they might be called upon to make the ultimate sacrifice.”

Our Marines do more than fight wars. They deploy on all kinds of missions and are also charged with protecting our diplomatic presence around the globe, including here in Vienna. It is great comfort and reassurance for us, the Embassy staff, as well as our families, to see the Marines on duty.

Personally, being saluted by the Marine on duty when I arrive and depart each day gives me a lift and is a highlight of my day. Our Marines support us at Embassy events, such as our Independence Day celebration in July and our 9-11 commemoration. Our Marines are active in community service with their Toys for Tots campaign, bringing some joy to children in a hospital at Christmas. They work on projects with the Boy Scouts group here.

In my first year here the Marines put out a fire in one of our offices at the USOSCE. Every single day the Marines at Embassy Vienna live up to the trust that we place in them and the heavy responsibilities they bear. This group of Marines has done this so smoothly, most of us don’t even realize that our Detachment has often not been fully staffed.

Tonight we are here to celebrate and honor all of the achievements and continued service of the U.S. Marine Corps and to thank every Marine for the sacrifices he or she makes so that we can sleep peacefully at night. And let’s not forget the sacrifices made by their families, left behind by those deployed thousands of miles away.

Tonight, we are here to celebrate and honor every one of you who have served and who continue to serve our country. So, on this 236th birthday of the Marine Corps, we have our chance to express our gratitude not just for the Corps in general, or for the tradition or their legacy, but for their individual service and courage, an inspiration to us all.

To the United State Marine Corps, Happy Birthday, thank you, and Semper Fi.