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About the Mission

What We Do

Managing and ensuring the effective use of U.S. resources provided to the UN for the benefit of the poor and hungry (USUN Agencies photos)

Managing and ensuring the effective use of U.S. resources provided to the UN for the benefit of the poor and hungry (USUN Agencies photos)

Calling attention to global problems of hunger (USUN Agencies photos)

Calling attention to global problems of hunger (USUN Agencies photos)

Rome, as headquarters of the three principal organizations dedicated to Food and Agriculture, is at the center of International Efforts to promote sustainable development and combat world hunger.

The U.S. Mission in Rome serves as a link between the Rome-based international organizations and the U.S. government.  With staff representing the Departments of State, Agriculture, and the Agency for International Development, the U.S. Mission works to advance UN efforts in the areas of emergency food aid, food safety standards, agriculture, fisheries, forests, and financing for rural development.

The Mission also promotes the efficient functioning of the UN organizations.  As the largest contributor to the UN system worldwide, the United States has a large stake in ensuring that the organizations are well run and that their activities complement and enhance U.S. national and foreign policy objectives.