116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion Archive

  • FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion provided the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War reenactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force also supported the event with traffic control and visitor assistance, and the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team provided a color guard and howitzer for the weekend’s final events Dec. 9. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination...

    Va. Guard and VDF support 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg

    FREDERICKSBURG, Va. — Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Bowling Green-based 189th Engineer Company, 276th Engineer Battalion provided the latest in military mobile bridging technology in support of Civil War reenactors during the observation of the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Fredericksburg Dec. 8, 2012. Members of the Virginia Defense Force also supported the event with traffic control and visitor assistance, and the 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team provided a color guard and howitzer for the weekend’s final events Dec. 9. “This is a great training opportunity for the Soldiers of the 189th to be able to assemble the bridge on a flowing river,” said 1st Lt. Marianne E. Heldmann, commander of the 189th. “This mission also required coordination...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

    Virginia Guard completes Hurricane Sandy response operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard returned to normal operations Nov. 1, 2012, and all personnel on state active duty supporting Hurricane Sandy recovery operations were released from duty and returned to their home stations. Guard personnel began assisting Virginia State Police and local emergency response organizations late in the day Oct. 29 at numerous locations across Virginia, and at the height of operations had approximately 670 personnel working across the commonwealth. During that time they transported 42 civilians to safety, conducted almost 60 reconnaissance patrols to assess damage and report on route trafficability and performed 10 debris reduction missions. “Law enforcement personnel and the Virginia National Guard were the unsung heroes of the Hurricane Sandy response,” said Governor...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — Soldiers of the Virginia Army National Guard completed a three-week mission to Tajikistan Sept. 12, 2012, where they helped prepare the Peacekeeping Operations Battalion for a future United Nations mission. Led by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Edgar Marquis of Headquarters Company, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the team consisted of communications professionals from Company C, 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, and the Signal Company, 29th Infantry Division. The Virginia Guard team also worked with the Tajik platoon that participated in the STEPPE EAGLE 2012 in Kazakhstan, a military exercise aimed at the interoperability of international forces. While Tajikistan has sent observers in the past, this is the first time that Tajikistan has sent an actual unit to participate...

    Virginia Guard communication professionals work with Tajikistan Peacekeeping Operations Battalion

    SANDSTON, Va. — Soldiers of the Virginia Army National Guard completed a three-week mission to Tajikistan Sept. 12, 2012, where they helped prepare the Peacekeeping Operations Battalion for a future United Nations mission. Led by Chief Warrant Officer 4 Edgar Marquis of Headquarters Company, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team, the team consisted of communications professionals from Company C, 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, and the Signal Company, 29th Infantry Division. The Virginia Guard team also worked with the Tajik platoon that participated in the STEPPE EAGLE 2012 in Kazakhstan, a military exercise aimed at the interoperability of international forces. While Tajikistan has sent observers in the past, this is the first time that Tajikistan has sent an actual unit to participate...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 200 personnel on state active duty from June 30 to July 4 to support recovery operations in the wake of severe thunderstorms that struck across Virginia and caused wide-spread power outages. Soldiers distributed water and ice in Bedford, conducted reconnaissance patrols in the Fredericksburg and Lexington areas and Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force provided mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and Fort Pickett. “I was extremely pleased with the entire operation from how we alerted and staged our personnel to how we actually executed the missions,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think the Virginia Guard continues to be a rapidly...

    Virginia National Guard personnel assist in the wake of severe thunderstorms

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard brought more than 200 personnel on state active duty from June 30 to July 4 to support recovery operations in the wake of severe thunderstorms that struck across Virginia and caused wide-spread power outages. Soldiers distributed water and ice in Bedford, conducted reconnaissance patrols in the Fredericksburg and Lexington areas and Soldiers, Airmen and members of the Virginia Defense Force provided mission command and sustainment support in Sandston and Fort Pickett. “I was extremely pleased with the entire operation from how we alerted and staged our personnel to how we actually executed the missions,” said Maj. Gen. Daniel E. Long, Jr., the Adjutant General of Virginia. “I think the Virginia Guard continues to be a rapidly...

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  • SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard is staging personnel in Fredericksburg and Lexington June 30 to be prepared for possible post-storm recovery operations after a series of severe storms struck Virginia June 29. The Virginia Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty and began staging approximately 110 personnel at the readiness center in Fredericksburg and 30 personnel at the readiness center in Lexington to be prepared for possible missions starting the morning of July 1. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Governor Bob McDonnell declared a state of emergency Saturday afternoon in response to severe weather that affected the Commonwealth Friday night. The declaration authorizes...

    Virginia Guard personnel preparing for possible post-storm recovery operations

    SANDSTON, Va. — The Virginia National Guard is staging personnel in Fredericksburg and Lexington June 30 to be prepared for possible post-storm recovery operations after a series of severe storms struck Virginia June 29. The Virginia Guard has been authorized to bring up to 300 personnel on state active duty and began staging approximately 110 personnel at the readiness center in Fredericksburg and 30 personnel at the readiness center in Lexington to be prepared for possible missions starting the morning of July 1. Additional personnel have been alerted for possible duty and will be held in reserve for possible future missions. Governor Bob McDonnell declared a state of emergency Saturday afternoon in response to severe weather that affected the Commonwealth Friday night. The declaration authorizes...

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  • FORT A. P. HILL, Va. — Soldiers from the Fredericksburg-based 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team braved the heat June 20 at Fort A. P. Hill to test their Army Warrior skills in the 2nd Annual “Warrior Stakes” competition. Soldiers were tested in numerous tasks to earn bragging rights for their company in one of the key events during the battalion’s annual training from June 9 to 23. “The competitive juices have been flowing the past several months,” said Lt. Col. Chris Doss, commander the 116th BSTB. “We have increased the intensity for this year’s event, and the Soldiers have trained harder. We should see better results because of that.” The event began with an air mobile insertion courtesy of the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224 Aviation Regiment, 91st Troop Command. Then Soldiers...

    “Warrior Stakes” tests 116th BSTB Soldier skills

    FORT A. P. HILL, Va. — Soldiers from the Fredericksburg-based 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team braved the heat June 20 at Fort A. P. Hill to test their Army Warrior skills in the 2nd Annual “Warrior Stakes” competition. Soldiers were tested in numerous tasks to earn bragging rights for their company in one of the key events during the battalion’s annual training from June 9 to 23. “The competitive juices have been flowing the past several months,” said Lt. Col. Chris Doss, commander the 116th BSTB. “We have increased the intensity for this year’s event, and the Soldiers have trained harder. We should see better results because of that.” The event began with an air mobile insertion courtesy of the Sandston-based 2nd Battalion, 224 Aviation Regiment, 91st Troop Command. Then Soldiers...

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  • FORT PICKETT, Va. — More than 1,800 Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Staunton-based 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and the Virginia Beach-based 329th Regional Support Group conducted annual training at Fort Pickett and Fort A. P. Hill from June 9-23 with a focus on individual Soldier skills as well as collective training to better prepare their units for both their state and federal missions. Each brigade has unique challenges because of their different mission sets, so leaders have to adapt their training plans in order to make sure units are prepared for their assigned missions. The Army’s Force Generation model, or ARFORGEN, establishes how Guard units plan their training with the first year after a mobilization being known as the “reset” year. In following years, the training echelon advances to team, squad, platoon and higher...

    Virginia Soldiers sharpen their warrior skills during annual training

    FORT PICKETT, Va. — More than 1,800 Soldiers from the Virginia National Guard’s Staunton-based 116th Infantry Brigade Combat Team and the Virginia Beach-based 329th Regional Support Group conducted annual training at Fort Pickett and Fort A. P. Hill from June 9-23 with a focus on individual Soldier skills as well as collective training to better prepare their units for both their state and federal missions. Each brigade has unique challenges because of their different mission sets, so leaders have to adapt their training plans in order to make sure units are prepared for their assigned missions. The Army’s Force Generation model, or ARFORGEN, establishes how Guard units plan their training with the first year after a mobilization being known as the “reset” year. In following years, the training echelon advances to team, squad, platoon and higher...

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  • FORT A.P. HILL, Va. — The 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion conducted a combined arms exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, Va., April 13-15, 2012.  In a simulated forward operating base, the battalion’s companies worked seamlessly together to exercise their Army warrior skills and military occupational specialties. “It’s been a great exercise for us to train as a battalion and utilize the unique capabilities that we have,” said Lt. Col. Chris Doss, commander of the 116th BSTB.  “Because of our distinct capabilities with signal, military intelligence, engineers and military police, we have to balance our time at being proficient in those areas and also come together to integrate those capabilities in a combined exercise.” The military intelligence company, Company B, conducted...

    116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion conducts combined arms exercise

    FORT A.P. HILL, Va. — The 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion conducted a combined arms exercise at Fort A.P. Hill, Va., April 13-15, 2012.  In a simulated forward operating base, the battalion’s companies worked seamlessly together to exercise their Army warrior skills and military occupational specialties. “It’s been a great exercise for us to train as a battalion and utilize the unique capabilities that we have,” said Lt. Col. Chris Doss, commander of the 116th BSTB.  “Because of our distinct capabilities with signal, military intelligence, engineers and military police, we have to balance our time at being proficient in those areas and also come together to integrate those capabilities in a combined exercise.” The military intelligence company, Company B, conducted...

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