U.S. Government Delivers New Waste Disposal Trucks to Jamoat Leaders


The U.S. Agency USAID/Tajikistan Country Director Kathleen McDonald participated in the transfer of three specialized waste disposal trucks to the jamoats of Isfisor, Zarzamin, and Gafurov. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded and implemented the project through its Local Development Initiative. 

Ms. McDonald, Mr. Sodik Mirholikov, Chairman of the Gafurov District, and Mr. Gafur Hakimov, Deputy Chairman of the Sughd Oblast, presented the jamoat leaders with keys to the new trucks. Local government officials, jamoat representatives, citizens, and representatives of the USAID Local Development Initiative project team took part in the ceremony in the Bobojon Gafurov district of Sugd Region.

The USAID Local Development Initiative provides assistance for the local governments to develop solid waste management plans and establish new municipal management structures in rural jamoats. Over the past two years, the jamoats successfully worked with local communities to provide services to local citizens, schools, hospitals, and businesses. Today, they provide services to over 80,000 rural citizens.

Ms. McDonald told the audience, “Building the capacity of the jamoats to provide public services has great significance for the long-term development of Tajikistan. In close partnership with the local communities, the jamoats, as self-governing bodies, are capable of successfully resolving many issues of local importance.”

Since September 2009, the USAID Local Development Initiative increased capacity for quality municipal services for the collection, transportation, and disposal of solid waste in five other regions in Tajikistan. Altogether, eight regions received waste removal trucks at the end of the project. 

The USAID Local Development Initiative Project is one of the many assistance projects made possible by the American people through USAID. Since 1992, the American people have provided over $1 billion in programs and humanitarian aid that support Tajikistan’s democratic institutions, health care, education and economic growth. 

Last Updated: 02-16-2013