• Gerlach statement on Supreme Court decision to uphold federal health care law
    Jun 28, 2012  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) issued the following statement after the U.S. Supreme Court voted to uphold the 2010 federal health care law enacted by President Obama and Democrat leaders in Congress: “Frankly, this is an extremely disappointing ruling. But the Supreme Court clearly did n... More
  • Gerlach votes to protect medical innovation and Pennsylvania jobs
    Jun 7, 2012  - Congressman Jim Gerlach helped the House pass legislation on Thursday that would prevent a nearly $30 billion tax hike on companies that manufacture insulin pumps, blood screening tests for cancer, dental tools and other medical devices. The House passed H.R. 436, the proposed Protect Medical Innova... More
  • Gerlach protects Medicare treatment options for seniors and supports common sense medical malpractice reforms
    Mar 22, 2012  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) voted Thursday to repeal a troubling provision of the federal health care law giving a panel of 15 unelected Washington bureaucrats -- known as the Independent Payment Advisory Board or IPAB -- unprecedented power over medical treatment options for seniors w... More
  • Gerlach says time is running out to stop tax hike that puts 22,000 Pennsylvania jobs at risk
    Feb 3, 2012  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) said Friday that he is extremely disappointed the Obama administration continues moving full-speed ahead on implementing a new tax on the tools dental hygienists use to clean teeth, cancer-screening test materials and other medical devices. The U.S. Treasury... More
  • Gerlach unveils measure to protect seniors and taxpayers against Medicare fraud and identity theft
    Sep 14, 2011  - The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimates that waste, fraud and abuse costs the Medicare program $60 billion each year – real money that should be used to help our seniors pay for hospital visits, prescription drugs and other medical care. At the same time, seniors are carrying Medi... More
  • Gerlach calls for common sense health-care reforms
    Jan 19, 2011  - U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) delivered the following remarks on the House floor Wednesday in support of legislation (H.R. 2) that would repeal the $2.4 trillion health care law enacted last year and allow lawmakers to begin working on common sense reforms: “It has been almost one year sin... More
  • Gerlach Pushes for True Reforms to Replace Flawed Health Care Law
    Aug 10, 2010  - U.S. Rep. Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) on Tuesday signed on to a measure that would force House Democrat leadership to listen to the people in the 6th District and all across America who want the severely-flawed health care law repealed and replaced with real health-care reforms. Gerlach signed a d... More
  • Pottstown Mercury Op-Ed: Health bill slashes Medicare, raises taxes
    Mar 28, 2010  - By Rep. Jim Gerlach, guest columnist Supporters of the health care overhaul that Speaker Nancy Pelosi muscled through the U.S. House of Representatives argue this will be the greatest accomplishment since Social Security and Medicare. What supporters of the $2.4 trillion scheme brush under the rug i... More
  • Most recent issue of e-newsletter
    Mar 26, 2010  - Bipartisan opposition to flawed $2.4 trillion health care bill Congressman Gerlach joined 178 Republicans and 34 Democrats in voting against the $2.4 trillion health care overhaul that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and her Democratic leadership allies muscled through the House late Sunday night. Presi... More
  • Gerlach Says “Fix It” Bill Fails to Correct Major Flaws in new Health Care Law
    Mar 25, 2010  - Congressman Jim Gerlach (PA-6th District) voted against a so-called “fix it” health care bill the House passed Thursday night. The legislation was intended to “fix” the $2.4 trillion health care overhaul rushed through the House on Sunday night and signed into law by President Obama on Tuesday. “Thi... More