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News > 44th FG salutes new commander
New Leader for 44th
Lt. Col. Scott Crogg receives the guidon flag from Brig. Gen. Ronald Miller during the 44th Fighter Group assumption of command ceremony at Holloman Air Force Base, NM, April 3. Chief. Master Sgt. David Wood assists with the ceremonial tradition of passing the flag. (US Air Force photo by Senior Airman Martha Whipple)
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44th FG salutes new commander

Posted 4/13/2011   Updated 4/13/2011 Email story   Print story


by SrA Martha Whipple
44th Fighter Group Public Affairs

4/13/2011 - HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, NM -- The 44th Fighter Group members officially saluted its new com-mander during an assumption of command ceremony at hangar 868 here April 3.

Lt. Col. Scott Crogg, who unofficially commanded the group as vice commander since July, assumed command with Brig. Gen. Ronald Miller, 301st Fighter Wing commander, NAS JRB Fort Worth, Texas, presiding.

Colonel Crogg's interest in flying began when his boss gave him three free flying lessons as a gift. The 16-year-old insurance sales-man took to the California skies and never looked back. He gradu-ated from the Air Force Academy and went on to serve at several assignments as a pilot. He flew 140 combat missions over Iraq, total-ing 500 combat flight hours. While not flying fighters, he worked for Delta Airlines as a commercial pilot.

Colonel Crogg was humbled by the people who attended the as-sumption of command ceremony. Many folks in attendance are not directly in his chain of command, but their support was felt, Colonel Crogg said.

"Many people were involved in getting me to where I am today," he said. "I can attest to the success of mentorship, which works both ways. I have been mentored from above and below. To see many of my mentors supporting me today sends a powerful message."

Colonel Crogg attributes his success to the people in his chain of command, previous co-workers and supervisors, to his family, and to his current unit. He thanked his father for being a "steady safety net" and thanked his mother for teaching him "all I need to know about mission and patriotism." He also thanked his sister and her family for their support.

"I send my humble thanks to the 10th Air Force leaders who en-trusted me with this role," he said. "I am confident we have the top cover to get the job done."

Colonel Crogg's focus is to continue the unit's unwavering sup-port and integration with the 49th Wing. He also is focused on devel-oping Airmen who are ready to support Air Force Reserve Command needs and the active duty needs at Holloman.

General Miller commended Colonel Crogg's dedication to the Air Force and his will do look for the next opportunity. General Miller noted the importance of developing Reservists who are bal-anced, agile and ready. Balancing civilian life, military life and fam-ily life is important for every Reservist. Being on the leading edge, taking advantage of education benefits and looking for the next train-ing is how each Reservist can succeed and can fit anywhere in the Air Force. Being ready when the commander in chief calls is part of the job, he said.

"Colonel Crogg is a balanced, agile, ready warrior," General Miller said. "He sets an example as a leader and continually sets the bar at a higher level. We look to him for leadership."

Colonel Crogg closed the ceremony with pledging his commit-ment to the unit and thanking the unit's members for their constant efforts and dedication.

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