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Common Questions:


Historical Collections Data

System Access


Process Changes


Q. Is the Collections Information Repository (CIR) the same as the Transaction Reporting System (TRS)?

TRS was renamed to the Collections Information Repository (CIR) in January 2013. FMS is rebranding TRS to be consistent with the naming convention for its other data repositories, such as the Payment Information Repository (PIR).

The application URL will remain the same as it was for TRS: The functionality of the application did not change as a result of the name change.

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Historical Collections Data

Q. What data from CA$HLINK II was migrated to CIR before CA$HLINK II was shut down?

CA$HLINK II historical data from October 2004 until CA$HLINK II deposit reporting was shut down has been loaded into CIR. The data includes Fedwire and REX/ACH details that were in CA$HLINK II prior to the Credit Gateway implementation on September 13, 2010. Users should reference the mapping document CA$HLINK II Account Types to CIR Mapping for Historical Data to determine the appropriate Collection System for the data in CIR.

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Q. How long will data be kept in CIR?

Data will be retained for seven years. However, litigation-related data is stored indefinitely.

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System Access

Q. I have another Treasury Single Sign On (SSO) User Account. Can I use it for CIR?

CIR is expected to implement SSO in the future. At the present time, new CIR user accounts are created with a person’s SSO User ID if one exists, however, the passwords must be maintained separately by the user.

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Q. Are there any special computer or internet requirements for CIR?

You can access CIR using Internet Explorer (IE) versions 7 and 8. There are several settings within IE Options that also need to be set properly. These are described in the CIR Web Application Reference Manual available within the CIR application.

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Q. How do I receive training in CIR?

Training for CIR is provided through a Web-based Training (WBT) program, found within the CIR application. Therefore, it can be accessed only after you have been enrolled in CIR. The WBT allows agency users to train for CIR when it is convenient for them and their agency, to refresh themselves on modules when new assignments are made, provide new staff with training, and retake modules about which users may have less confidence. In addition, supplemental training materials are periodically posted to the CIR website under the Training and User Support page.

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Q. Does CIR contain IPAC collections?

Q. CIR does not contain any intra-governmental payment or collections information except for the vouchers for Federal Agency Taxes.

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Q. How current is the data in CIR?

CIR has data as soon as the source systems send it to CIR. The sources send data to CIR at least once every business day.

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Q. Exactly which data is in CIR?

Financial transaction data for collections as well as program data are sent to CIR. Financial transaction data includes data on the following:

  • Deposit vouchers – summarizing financial transactions involved in collections
  • Financial transactions – providing detail of the financial instruments by which collections have been made
Program data provides agency-specific information regarding remittances.

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Q. Does CIR have all the collections information needed by my agency?

CIR receives all voucher information from all collections channels.

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Q. Are agencies able to submit requests for new reports or enhancements?

Agencies can submit requests for reports and enhanced functionality by filling out the CIR Request Form. The completed form should be sent to the CIR Call Center –

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Q. Will I be able to access images of checks and remittance documents through CIR?

In the future, CIR will provide a link to the image archive, which captures images of checks and remittance documents from ECP and OTCnet so that agencies can view these images through CIR. Until then, agencies can view check images in ECP and OTCnet.

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Q. How is CIR data secured?

Access to data in CIR is secured in accordance with Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (FISMA) and other federal laws and regulations for IT systems security that apply. CIR allows agency access to be established by ALC, giving agency users access only to those ALCs to which they have permission.

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Q. Which file formats does CIR support?

CIR XML extracts use FMS Transmission Message schema version 4.3, developed by FMS’s Enterprise Data Architecture Team. If your agency is implementing a system-to-system interface between CIR and your system, your IT staff must download a set of seven files. These files can be found at Files of report data are available in formats supported by Business Objects: PDF, MS Excel, and comma-delimited.

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Process Changes

Q. What is CIR’s status in its ability to capture the TAS/BETC at the transaction level?

CIR is not the originating source of the classification data. CIR takes what is received from the source systems and sends the vouchers (summary records) and associated classifications to the Central Accounting Reporting System (CARS, formerly GWA).

If a source system reports details, CIR also receives and stores the classification data records at the detail level along with summarizing the classifications records to be associated to the voucher. CIR supports the ability for source systems to send multiple classification records for each transaction.

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Q. Will agencies be able to change ALCs and voucher numbers in CIR?

CIR is a reporting tool. Corrections are made directly in the source systems and channel applications.

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Q. How will agencies set up access with the source systems to make corrections?

Each source system is aware of the FMS requirement to provide a means for corrections in their applications. Agencies should contact their various collections programs through which data is reported to determine the access procedures for each.

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Q. How will my agency be able to distinguish collections for different cash flows or organizations within a single ALC?

Agencies that wish to distinguish cash flows or organizations within a single ALC will need a cash flow or organizational identifier at a lower level than the ALC to record and account for those activities. CIR has the capability to receive, store and report this information from collections sources. At this time, collections sources are not reporting these identifiers in a consistent manner. Agencies need to work with their collections sources to make sure that their collections sources provide appropriate identifiers to CIR.

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Q. What are preliminary vouchers in CIR?

Preliminary vouchers are from channel applications for collections at a Federal Reserve Bank that are waiting to be reconciled with vouchers from FRB CA$H-LINK. This reconciliation confirms that the funds have settled and occurs throughout the business day. Typically vouchers that come in from the channel applications early in the day are “preliminary” until they are matched with the FRB CA$H-LINK vouchers later in the day. You can see these vouchers in the Voucher Report and view details about them. With normal processing, by the end of the business day all vouchers will be matched and there will be no preliminary vouchers left.

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   Last Updated:  January 22, 2013

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