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Internship Program

Years ago, I began my political career as an intern for Representative Neal Smith in the House.  The experience provided an invaluable education into what makes government tick.  We're looking for bright, young men and women who share this interest in public service, to apply for internships in my office. -- Tom Harkin

Internships in Senator Harkin's office are an excellent opportunity for a valuable and unique education about the federal legislative process. Interns assist the Senator's staff in the areas of legislation, press, and communications. Intern responsibilities include performing office duties, writing and researching current legislative issues, and acting as general project support to our staff.

The intern program is specifically designed for college undergraduates. Scholastic credit is often possible but those arrangements must be made with the head of the program for which credit is being earned. Our office accepts applications on a rolling basis. We accept applications on a rolling basis. The final deadline to submit Summer 2013 applications is Friday, March 15, 2013.

Guide to Finding Housing in Washington, DC

Apply to be an Intern in the Washington, DC Office

Apply to be an Intern in one of the Iowa Offices