Carole Osman

Vanessa Faerber
Assistant Principal

Welcome to Bechtel Elementary School, the home of the Bull Dogs. We are extremely proud of our dedicated, well trained, experienced teachers, staff, outstanding students and supportive families.  Bechtel is known for its high expectations for all; it’s safe, caring and nurturing environment; and its program of academic excellence.  Together we continue to provide Bechtel students with the best education possible.  The focus of our school is to nurture and challenge all of our students, building on their strengths and providing the support needed to be fully successful. We also strive to develop a student body of good character, students who make good choices resulting in successful and healthy outcomes.  

Parents are important to our school. Research shows that parental involvement in their children’s education is a strong component of a successful school experience. The success of our students depends upon close and active partnerships with parents, the military community, and our Okinawan neighbors.  I encourage you to be a part of our School Advisory Council (SAC), Parent Teacher Organization (PTO), and to join the group of outstanding parent volunteers who help in the classroom, dining hall and various events such as our annual Fall Fest, our new Marines Read program, after school activities, study trips and more. 

As we continue to work together as a community who truly cares about all aspects of our children’s academic, social and character development we will celebrate the daily accomplishments that provide stepping stones for our children to be safe, healthy, and successful in school  now and in the future.

Carole Osman



Continuous School Improvement Plan
Each DoDDS school develops a plan to improve the educational program offered to its students. The faculty assesses children's academic and social needs, set goals toward meeting those needs, and determines the resources available. A committee of faculty members and parents guides this process of school improvement, monitoring and assessing progress toward goal attainment. Our two school improvement goals are:

Goal 1: All students will improve reading comprehension skills across all curricular areas.

Goal 2: All students will improve their ability to communicate and apply problem solving strategies in written or oral form across all curricular areas.

School Accreditation
Bechtel Elementary School is fully accredited by AdvancED. We are on a five-year cycle for accreditation with a Continuous School Improvement (CSI) Plan in progress each school year. The AdvancED visitation team visited Bechtel Elementary to validate our school's self-study and school improvement plan in February 2010.

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Last Updated: November 27, 2012
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