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U.S. Embassy Tanzania - Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

U.S. Embassy Tanzania
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  2. Photo: Combating Postharvest Loss: The Fight Against Global Hunger

The UN Food & Agriculture Organization estimates that by the year 2050, the global population will reach 9 billion people, and demand for food will increase by 60%! How can we develop solutions to ensure that food production can satisfy this demand? On Tuesday, Feb. 19 at 05:00 PM EAT, learn about postharvest loss-- what it is and how preventing it will help fight global hunger.

Link: http://goo.gl/RSzdJ
  3. On February 12, Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt welcomed 44 English Access Microscholarship students from the Kisaware Lutheran Academy and Kambangwa Secondary School to the U.S. Embassy for a Black History Month film program featuring the l...ife of President Barack Obama. The Ambassador lauded the students for their commitment to attain a quality education, and discussed Tanzania's unlimited potential for development and how the American people are working with Tanzanians to realize those goals. He also mentioned the importance of the empowerment of women and girls to Tanzania's future and encouraged the students to set lofty goals and to believe in themselves in order to achieve them.

    Regional English Language Officer (RELO) Rebecca Smoak talked to the students about the significance of Black History Month and the civil rights movement and the U. S. Economic and Commercial Officer Tabari Dossett engaged the students in a discussion about the lessons President Obama's life offers about personal responsibility and how personal decisions and actions can make a difference in the course of one's future. The students also shared lunch and took the opportunity to get to know each other.
    See More
    Photo: U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt addresses English Access students during Black History Month program at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: RELO Rebecca Smoak addresses English Access students at Black History Month program at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: English Access students during ice breaker session at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: Economic and Commercial Officer Tabari Dossett and English Access students during lunch hosted at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
  4. Photo: PEPFAR 10TH Anniversary

This year’s State of the Union marks the 10th Anniversary of PEPFAR’s inception. It’s a major milestone as we progress to achieving an AIDS-free Generation.
Read more about PEPFAR’s work here: http://www.pepfar.gov
  5. Photo: 2013 STATE of the UNION

The U.S. Constitution requires that the President report to Congress "from time to time" on the "State of the Union." Watch Pres. Obama deliver the annual State of the Union Address on Feb.12 at 21:00 EST (Which is Feb.13 at 05:00 AM East African Time). Join a live webcast of this important speech and learn about his vision for America in 2013!

Link: http://goo.gl/WW1kD
  6. Photo: East African security forces host inaugural Special Operations conference

Zanzibar, Tanzania—The Tanzania People’s Defense Force and Special Operations Command Africa co-hosted the East Africa Special Operations Conference in Zanzibar, recently to provide a forum for each of the participants to come together and share unique perspectives in order to build on partnerships that strengthen the collective effort to combat shared threats. The theme of the conference was “Capable Special Operations Forces for the Challenges of Tomorrow.” 

Read story: http://tanzania.usembassy.gov/pr_02112013.html
  7. U.S. Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes visited Tanzania from January 31 through February 5 to promote the United States' support for Tanzania's wildlife Management Areas. During his trip he visited the Ikona Wildli...fe Management Area (WMA), Grumeti Reserve and the Serengeti National Park accompanied by Tanzanian officials. On February 5, Deputy Secretary Hayes participated in the handover event of the Burunge Wildlife Management Area Visitor Center in the Babati District of the Manyara Region to the Authorized Association of the Burunge WMA. The Burunge Wildlife Management Area is sponsored by the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). Deputy Secretary Hayes was joined at the event by Ambassador Hamis Kagasheki, Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, and United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt; each of which underscored in their remarks the value on the United States' partnership with Tanzania in promoting preservation of its natural resources. Read story: http://tanzania.usembassy.gov/pr_02052013.htmlSee More
    Photo: U.S. Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes, U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ambassador Hamis Kagasheki Burunge Wildlife Management Area Visitors Center.
    Photo: U.S. Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes (second from left), U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt (second from right) and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ambassador Hamis Kagasheki with Maasai women entrepreneurs.
    Photo: U.S. Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes (second from left), U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt (second from right) and Minister of Natural Resources and Tourism, Ambassador Hamis Kagasheki with Maasai women entrepreneurs.
    Photo: U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt delivers remarks.
  8. Photo: American People Sponsor English Teaching in Kilimanjaro Region

Regional English Language Officer (RELO) Rebecca Smoak travelled to the Kilimanjaro Region from February 6 through 11 to promote the "Shaping the Way We Teach English" professional development webinars and to introduce Trace Effects, the new language learning video game at three universities and one secondary school in the area.  RELO Smoak also gave a workshop on interactive classroom techniques for 30 English lecturers and students at Mt. Meru University in Arusha.   Mt. Meru University, Makumira University, and Mwenge University (which hosted an English Language Fellow last year) will be participating in the next series of Webinars and will also make use of the recorded webinars as part of their teacher-training courses. All three universities, as well as Mboni Secondary school plan to implement the Trace Effects language learning game in their IT labs for the use of all students. These particular institutions were chosen because of their interest in improving students' and staff level of English and their commitment to upgrading their IT capabilities.  These activities are part of RELO Dar es Salaam's ongoing effort to improve the quality of English language instruction in Tanzania, and to introduce teachers and students to online materials and resources.  

Caption: RELO Rebecca Smoak and future English teachers at Mount Meru University.
See Facebook album: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10151529169836929.557863.137553061928&type=1
  9. On February 9, Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt and Guest of Honor the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi attended the opening ceremony of the new Medical Stores Department Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam. The state-o...f-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians. Read story: http://tanzania.usembassy.gov/pr_02092013.htmlSee More
    Photo: United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt, (2nd from right);  the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi, (2nd from left), listening from the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Acting Director General Mr. Cosmas Mwaifwani, (left); when they toured the MSD Warehouse after attended the opening ceremony of the new MSD Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The state-of-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians.
    Photo: The Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi, (3rd from left), cutting a ribbon at the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam while the United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt, (2nd from right), witnessing.  Others in the picture is The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative Dr. Jama Guilaid, (2nd from left) and the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Acting Director General Mr. Cosmas Mwaifwani, (left). The opening ceremony of the new MSD Warehouse took place yesterday. The state-of-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians.
    Photo: United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt, (2nd from left); the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi, (left), and The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative, Dr. Jama Guilaid, (3rd from left); listening from the Program Manager of Immunization from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, Dr. Dafrossa Lyimo, (right) on their tour to the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Warehouse after they attended the opening ceremony of the new MSD Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The state-of-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians.
    Photo: From left seated is Dr. Donan Mmbando from the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt, the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi, the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Acting Director General Mr. Cosmas Mwaifwani, Dr. Faustine Ndugulile, The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative Dr. Jama Guilaid and Temeke Member of Parliament, Mr. Abbas Mtemvu, in a group photo after attended the opening ceremony of the new Medical Stores Department Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam yesterday. The state-of-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians.
  10. Photo: American People Partner with Tanzanians and Global Fund to Modernize Medical Stores Department Warehouse 

On February 9, Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt and Guest of Honor the Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi attended the opening ceremony of the new Medical Stores Department Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam. The state-of-the-art structure is sponsored by the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Global Fund in partnership with Tanzanians.  

This 4,656 square meter warehouse is one of five warehouses to be constructed throughout Tanzania – the other warehouses are located in Zanzibar, Mwanza, Mbeya, and Dodoma.  In addition to increasing the physical space, USAID is providing in-warehouse management training to Medical Stores Department staff.  Ongoing warehouse management support will be provided through Supply Chain Monitoring Advisors who will be based at the Medical Stores Department to provide technical and inventory management assistance. 

In his remarks, Ambassador Lenhardt noted that “The American people, through USAID, have helped Tanzania make health solutions a reality. Whether it is HIV, malaria, family planning or maternal and child health care, we are happy and proud to have provided a means to safely store and manage health commodities with the public health supply chain.”

The opportunity to assist the Medical Stores Department arose in early 2011. After a review of the Central Medical Stores USAID Tanzania deemed the warehouse to be in need for substantial renovation and rehabilitation in order to be acceptable. The new structure is fully equipped with a computerized inventory system, air conditioning, security systems, racking, and material handling. It can hold 5,143 pallets and has 433 bays.

The program to strengthen Tanzania's health sector was part of the United States' overall annual development assistance to Tanzania, which was approximately one trillion shillings ($760 million USD) in fiscal year 2012.

Caption: The Minister of Health and Social Welfare Hussein Ali Mwinyi, (3rd from left), cutting a ribbon at the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Warehouse at Keko in Dar es Salaam with U.S. Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt, (2nd from right).  Others in the picture are United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) Representative Dr. Jama Guilaid, (2nd from left) and the Medical Stores Department (MSD) Acting Director General Mr. Cosmas Mwaifwani, (left).
  11. Photo: The roughly 75 days between a U.S. presidential election and the inauguration are as important to a second-term president as they are to a newly elected president, but the priorities are different.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/pamphlet/2012/12/20121222140366.html#ixzz2KU0F2DaW
  13. Photo: American Blues Music Formed by Pain to Cure Pain

Feeling melancholy or "blue"? Since the days of its origins among African Americans in the Mississippi Delta, blues music has been described as “a container for an unbelievable range of feeling and for contacting the spirit” with the power to lift you up, musician Eli Yamin says. How do you feel when you listen to this kind of music?

Read: http://goo.gl/QMxB5
  14. On February 7, the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam conducted a screening program of the movie "The March" about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr's 1963 march in Washington, D.C. to call for civil rights as part of its Black History Month programmin...g this month. Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II introduced the film and hosted a discussion with 45 students and professors from Tegeta Secondary School. In his introductory remarks, he highlighted the meaning of black history month and the historical events since the U.S. civil war that led to the momentum movement for civil rights in the United States under Dr. King's leadership.

    The students also raised questions on civil rights and democracy in the U.S. today, and shared their lessons learned from the film and how they can apply those lessons in their communities. In response, DPAO highlighted the history of the 1960's and roles played by American Presidents and leaders of that era, and how their efforts led to the transformation of American society today in all sectors. He also highlighted President Obama's words at his second inauguration that in spite of great achievements, civil rights in America remains "an unfinished journey." The event was part of the U.S. Embassy's bi-weekly Afternoon Movie Program.
    See More
    Photo: Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II with Tegeta Secondary School students at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 7, 2013.
    Photo: Tegeta Secondary School students watch the film "The March" about the 1963 U.S. civil rights march in Washington, D.C. at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 7, 2013.
    Photo: Tegeta Secondary School students at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 7, 2013.
    Photo: Deputy Public Affairs Officer Roberto Quiroz II presents Voice of America calendar to Tegeta Secondary School students at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 7, 2013.
  15. On February 4, the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam conducted a screening program of the movie "Mighty Times: The Legacy of Rosa Parks" as part of its Black History Month programming this month. Public Affairs Officer Dana L. Banks introduced... the film and hosted a discussion with 45 students and professors from the Benjamin Mkapa High School. In her introductory remarks, she highlighted the meaning of black history month and the importance of citizens' active participation towards achieving civil rights in the United States. The students also raised questions on civil rights and democracy in the U.S. today, and shared their lessons learned from the film and how they can apply those lessons in their communities. The event was part of the U.S. Embassy's bi-weekly Afternoon Movie Program.See More
    Photo: Public Affairs Officer Dana L. Banks with Benjamin Mkapa High School students at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 4, 2013.
    Photo: Public Affairs Officer Dana L. Banks with Benjamin Mkapa High School students during question and answer session of the program at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 4, 2013.
    Photo: Public Affairs Officer Dana L. Banks with Benjamin Mkapa High School students during question and answer session of the program at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 4, 2013.
    Photo: Public Affairs Officer Dana L. Banks presents soccer balls on behalf of the American people to Benjamin Mkapa High School students at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam on February 4, 2013.
  16. Photo: Deputy Chief of Mission Robert K. Scott with guests following the film screening program and discussions on combating human trafficking.
  17. Photo: Deputy Chief of Mission Robert K. Scott discusses with guests the United States' commitment to partner with Tanzanians to combat human trafficking.
  18. Photo: 10th anniversary of the International Day of Zero Tolerance

Today is the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C). An estimated 100 to 145 million women have undergone this brutal procedure, and about 3 million girls are at risk each year. 

IN ONE HOUR: Watch a live webcast of a panel of experts who will discuss successful efforts and solutions to address this issue. http://goo.gl/wX3xd
  19. Photo: U.S. Honors Rosa Parks on 100th Birthday with Postal Stamp

The “mother of the civil rights movement” would have been 100 years old on February 4, 2013. Her refusal to sit in the back of a Montgomery, Alabama, bus on December 1, 1955, ignited a movement that ultimately challenged racial segregation and inspired others to similar actions.

In her honor, the U.S. Postal Service released a commemorative stamp with her image as part of a series remembering the people and events that promoted social justice in the United States.

President Obama proclaimed February 4 as a day of community service and educational programs to honor Rosa Parks’ enduring legacy. “A lifelong champion of civil rights, she continued to give voice to the poor and the marginalized among us until her passing on October 24, 2005,” the president said.

Obama called on Americans to remember that “although the principle of equality has always been self-evident, it has never been self-executing. It has taken acts of courage from generations of fearless and hopeful Americans to make our country more just.”
  20. Photo: Today at Midnight EAT (21hrs GMT), Secretary of State John Kerry will be ceremonially sworn in by Vice President Joe Biden at the Department of State. Watch the event at http://goo.gl/GUOhE

On Tuesday, February 5, United States Department of the Interior Deputy Secretary David J. Hayes handed over control of the Burunge Wildlife Management Area Visitor Center, Babati District, Manyara Region to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism. The Burunge Wildlife Management Area is sponsored by the American People through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).  Wildlife Management Areas are community-owned and managed conservation areas that empower local communities to be decision makers over their natural resources.  

At the hand-over ceremony to the left of the plaque, from left to right: Director of the African Wildlife Foundation Tanzania (AFW TZ Country Director) John Salehe;  USAID TZ Mission Director Sharon Cromer; Chairman of Burunge Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) Authorized Association Ramadhani Ismail; Deputy Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior David J. Hayes; to the right of plaque, from left to right is United States Ambassador Alfonso E. Lenhardt; Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism Ambassador Hamis Kagasheki; Parliamentarian and Chair of the Parliamentary Committee on Environment Hon. James Lembeli, and Regional Executive Secretary for Manyara region Claudio Bitegeko.

Press Release: http://1.usa.gov/11mYXNY
  22. Photo: 10th anniversary of the International Day of Zero Tolerance.

February 6 marks the 10th anniversary of the International Day of Zero Tolerance to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting, a day to raise awareness of the devastating effects of FGM/C and call for an end to this harmful traditional practice. 

This Wednesday at 05:30 PM EAT, watch a live webcast of a panel of experts who will discuss successful efforts and solutions to address this issue. http://goo.gl/T6nhc
  23. Photo: Wildlife Management Areas in Tanzania: 
Promoting Community Based Conservation and Livelihoods –
How Far Have We Come? 
Read http://1.usa.gov/WLlfkV (2.01MB PDF) 

Photograph: Courtesy of Agathe Sector/USAID

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are community owned and managed conservation areas, in which communities are given ‘user rights’ to benefit from their wildlife resources.

"Without Burunge Wildlife Management Area, the national parks would remain isles. Wildlife habitat would be fragmented by increasing human settlement and conflicting land uses." -Mzee Noah Teveli, Former Speaker, Burunge WMA
  24. Photo: Wildlife Management Areas in Tanzania: 
Promoting Community Based Conservation and Livelihoods –
How Far Have We Come? 
Read http://1.usa.gov/WLlfkV (2.01MB PDF) 

Photograph: Courtesy of Agathe Sector/USAID

Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are community owned and managed conservation areas, in which communities are given ‘user rights’ to benefit from their wildlife resources.

"Without Burunge Wildlife Management Area, the national parks would remain isles. Wildlife habitat would be fragmented by increasing human settlement and conflicting land uses." -Mzee Noah Teveli, Former Speaker, Burunge WMA

On February 1, 2013, John Forbes Kerry was sworn in as the 68th Secretary of State of the United States, becoming the first sitting Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman to become Secretary in over a century.
Read biography: http://www.state.gov/r/pa/ei/biog/203657.htm
  26. Photo: Today, February 1, 2013 is #SecClinton's last day @StateDept and says farewell to employees in the Diplomatic Lobby at 10:30 pm EAT. Watch the farewell live at: http://goo.gl/LVq7M
  27. On January 30 and 31, Regional English Language Officer Rebecca Smoak and Regional English Language Assistant Flavia Temu welcomed to the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam 31 secondary school English teachers to a teaching workshop. The teacher...s are members of the Tanzanian English Language Teachers Association (TELTA). The program was organized by two recent graduates of the U.S. Department of State's Office of English Language Programs E-Teacher Online Professional Development courses. The workshop included presentations by the participants.

    The E-Teacher Program provides scholarships to qualified nominees to participate in one of seven 10-week online graduate level courses. One Tanzanian participant successfully completed the Teaching English to Young Learners course while the other enrolled in the Teaching English as a Second or Other Language (TESOL) Methodology. Both courses are conducted by the University of Oregon. The new E-teachers were eager to share what they learned with their peers and enlisted the sponsorship of the U.S. Embassy's Regional English Language Office to help organize and sponsor the event. The workshop is part of the United States' commitment to partner with Tanzanian educators to promote English language instruction, and to introduce teachers to online materials and resources. Participants reported that the program was useful and insightful, especially because it provided them the opportunity to access new information and network along with their Tanzanian colleagues.
    See More
    Photo: Regional English Language Officer Rebecca Smoak addresses English Teaching Workshop participants at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: English Teaching Workshop participants at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: English Teaching Workshop participants at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.
    Photo: English Teaching Workshop participants at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam.

The son of a U.S. diplomat, Kerry has been immersed in foreign policy all his life and displayed his mastery of it when he ran for president as the Democratic Party’s nominee in 2004. 

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2013/01/20130130141681.html#ixzz2JXHcBgCQ
  30. Photo: President Obama on Kerry's Confirmation as Secretary of State

I am pleased that the Senate has confirmed John Kerry as our next Secretary of State with overwhelming bipartisan support. From his decorated service in Vietnam to his decades in the Senate as a champion of American global leadership, John’s distinguished career has prepared him to guide American diplomacy in the years ahead.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/texttrans/2013/01/20130129141636.html#ixzz2JQsEzS00
  31. On January 24, Cultural Affairs Assistant Shamsa Suleiman offered Education USA counseling services to 30 students at the Wailes Secondary School in Temeke, Dar es Salaam. As part of the program, Ms. Suleiman discussed resources offered ...by the Information Resource Center at the U.S. Embassy in Dar es Salaam and trained students on writing personal statements and curriculum vitaes in preparation for their college and scholarship application process within the next two years. The practice was important in assisting the students learn the basics of what is expected of them for admissions. She also encouraged students to participate in extra curriculum activities and leadership training in order to strengthen their candidacies for colleges and universities in the United States. The trip was part of Education USA's outreach objectives for 2013.See More
    Photo: Cultural Affairs Assistant Shamsa Suleiman and Wailes Secondary School students during Education USA counseling session on January 24, 2013.
    Photo: Cultural Affairs Assistant Shamsa Suleiman offers Education USA counseling services to Wailes Secondary School students in Dar es Salaam on January 24, 2013.
    Photo: Cultural Affairs Assistant Shamsa Suleiman offers Education USA counseling services to Wailes Secondary School students in Dar es Salaam on January 24, 2013.
    Photo: Cultural Affairs Assistant Shamsa Suleiman offers Education USA counseling services to Wailes Secondary School students in Dar es Salaam on January 24, 2013.
  32. Photo: Secretary Clinton’s Global Town Hall LIVE

Join us Today, January 29th at 5:30 PM EAT when Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton will hold a Global Townterview to engage with young people around the world as she prepares to finish her tenure as U.S.  Secretary of State. 

Each year, on a Sunday at the end of January or beginning of February, tens of mil­lions of Americans declare their own unofficial holiday... The Super Bowl, which determines the championship of American football, is most of all a shared experience, when Americans disproportionately choose to spend this day in the company of friends.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/pamphlet/2013/01/20130125141506.html#ixzz2JKvn3l00

If confirmed by the U.S. Senate, John Kerry will be the next secretary of state. What do you think should be his highest priorities? http://goo.gl/K5K5o

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