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Educational Advising

Going to an American College this Year?

Image: Education USA

Image: Education USA

This center belongs to the EducationUSA network of educational advising centers affiliated with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. EducationUSA advisers strive to provide accurate, comprehensive, current, and unbiased information on educational opportunities in the United States. We do not endorse or rank any college or university, nor do we endorse services provided by any company or organization in areas of test preparation, admissions, placement, language training, or visa procurement.

Educational Advising Assistance for Tanzania Students Wishing to Study in the USA

Services Available

Undergraduate group sessions, which provide an introduction to the structure of American higher education as well as information on the application process. These sessions are offered each Wednesday, at 2:00. All undergraduate applicants must attend a group session before seeing the advisor individually. Undergraduate and graduate applicants should review admission procedures on the computers in the library. The librarian on duty will assist you.

Individual advising sessions, which help students to implement their educational plans; are available by appointment on Monday and Wednesday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Information on a variety standardized tests (e.g., TOEFL, SAT, GRE, GMAT) is available to students who have attended introductory advising sessions and selected their schools

We offer a well equipped library of up-to-date materials on education in the U.S. You are welcome to use these materials for researching and planning your U.S. education Monday -Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Friday from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

You may also wish to consult these sites for additional information about higher education in the United States

Our primary website is, where you will find a wealth of information designed for international students.

Live EdUSA Webinars for U.S. Study

  • Join us live online to chat with experts from the U.S. higher education community and receive advice on completing your application to U.S. colleges and universities.

    Participation is free – don’t miss this unique opportunity!

    Click link to see Calendar/Upcoming of Events and Register Now!
    EdUSA Webinars

Contact Information

  • Office Hours
    Wed. 10:00 - 5:00 p.m.

    Educational Advisor
    American Embassy
    PO Box 9123
    Dar es Salaam
    Tel: (255-22)229-4192
    Fax: (255-22)229-4722
