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U.S. Selected Government Reports

Key Reports

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    Trafficking in Persons Report 2012: Oman (PDF 187KB)

    Secretary Clinton (June 19): "This report ... gives a clear and honest assessment of where all of us are making progress on our commitments and where we are either standing still or even sliding backwards. ... This year’s report tells us that we are making a lot of progress. Twenty-nine countries were upgraded from a lower tier to a higher one, which means that their governments are taking the right steps. This could mean enacting strong laws, stepping up their investigations and prosecutions, or simply laying out a roadmap of steps they will take to respond."  Translation: Arabic »

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    International Religious Freedom Report 2011: Oman (PDF 282KB)

    Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor publishes this report in tumultuous times that underscore the importance of freedom of religion to peaceful political and economic development, democratic institutions, and flourishing societies. Religious freedom is the right of all human beings, a fundamental tenet of the 1948 Universal Declaration on Human Rights, and protected under the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Guaranteeing religious freedom requires governments to enact and enforce strong laws and promote respect for religious diversity.  Translation: Arabic »

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    Human Rights Report 2011: Oman

    Today, the eyes of the world are focused on the Middle East and North Africa, where people are demanding that their governments live up to the guiding principle of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, that all people are "born free and equal in dignity and rights." The promise of this principle is the driving power behind every movement for freedom, every campaign for democracy, every effort to foster development, and every struggle against oppression. We are inspired by the courage and determination of these activists, and we see in their struggles the true manifestation of a universal yearning for dignity and respect. We stand with them and with all citizens, activists, and governments around the world who peacefully work to advance the causes of democracy and human rights. 


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