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“All In” encompasses the breadth of the sustainability and green building movement. Capturing all people, all sectors, all industries, all buildings, all cities and so much more, this theme welcomes everyone to grow as green building champions, and to do so at Greenbuild. When we come together at Greenbuild, we are one community of professionals, advocates and practitioners, students and teachers, designers and builders, and everything in between. We are all in. We invite people from every walk of life, from all over the globe, to learn with us and to help elevate green building principles and practices to the next level. “All In” also describes the depth of commitment we feel to our community and to our mission. We leave no stone unturned in our pursuit of what’s next — new technology, new ideas and new ways forward. We are dedicated to transforming the market and changing the way the people all over the world experience buildings. We are all in.


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