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Business Section

Facilitating Trade between San Pedro Sula and the United States.

Facilitating trade between the United States and San Pedro Sula and northern coast area is a key goal of the U.S. Virtual Consulate of San Pedro Sula.  Whether you are an American business seeking business opportunities in San Pedro Sula, or a Honduran business in San Pedro Sula seeking a business partner in the United States, we hope to facilitate your ability to make contacts that will further your business objectives.

Investors have noticed the opportunities in San Pedro Sula and the northern coast.  More than 300 foreign companies have invested in the area, mainly in the rapidly growing Maquila (assembly plant) industry.  The robust business environment is expected to accelerate rapidly in the coming years, as CAFTA-DR adds fuel to the economy.  The city government nurtures this competitiveness with a high level of responsiveness that puts priority focuses on facilitating business-friendly initiatives and on ensuring a peaceful and prosperous environment.