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Visas for Romanians

Supporting a Romanian visa applicant

A guest of a U.S. host can be helped by sending him/her a letter of invitation. The letter should include the invitee's name, reason for visit, period of stay in the U.S., and method of payment of expenses. If the guest is paying his/her own expenses, he/she must be prepared to show the consular officer that sufficient funds are available for the trip. If the American host is paying the expenses, an affidavit of support may be included.

However, this invitation or affidavit of support cannot guarantee visa issuance to a foreign national friend, relative, or student. Visa applicants must qualify under Section 214(b) according to their own circumstances, not on the basis of an American sponsor's assurances. Section 214(b), which is part of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), states that: "Every alien shall be presumed to be an immigrant until he establishes to the satisfaction of the consular officer, at the time of application for a visa, and the immigration officers, at the time of application for admission, that he is entitled to a nonimmigrant status."

Please note that the interview between a Romanian visa applicant and a US consular officer is confidential; therefore Americans supporting visa applicants can not be present at the time of the interview.

Beware of fraudulent email

  • Please beware of any emails requesting any personal information such as social security number, bank account numbers, login identification such as user id and passwords for online banking information. The U.S. Embassy does not request such information from customers, visa applicants or their sponsors.

    Please also note that official email communications from the U.S. Government come from domains ending in “.gov”.  The U.S. Government does not send emails from private email domains such as Gmail or Yahoo.

    To report suspicious emails or requests from people that claim affiliation with the US Embassy, please forward the suspicious email or provide the relevant information immediately to

    For more information on commonly encountered international financial scams, please visit the Department of State’s website.