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PMI: Presidents Malaria Initiative - Saving lives in Africa.

ITNs Protect Seasonal Workers in Madagascar

In Madagascar, PMI has partnered with other donors to distribute ITNs through a mass distribution campaign.
In Madagascar, PMI has partnered with other donors to distribute ITNs through a mass distribution campaign.
Source: USAID DELIVER Project

Mr. Ranaivo is a father of five children and migrant farmer working in Ambolomoty, in the western region of Boeny, Madagascar. This area attracts many seasonal workers from Madagascar’s central highlands, where there is low malaria transmission. With their lack of immunity to malaria, the migrant workers are at higher risk of serious lifethreatening infection. Mr. Ranaivo and his family moved here to farm rice paddies, and the small shelter where they sleep at night is open, exposing the family to the threat of malaria.

Mr. Ranaivo knew of malaria and the risks to his family’s health, but, until recently, he did not have the resources to protect his family. Then, in November 2010, a free mass ITN distribution campaign, supported by PMI and launched in collaboration with other malaria technical and financial partners, provided the commune of Ambolomoty with more than 6,000 mosquito nets. Distribution activities were combined with mass media campaigns and interpersonal communications to help people hang the nets and use them correctly. After receiving free nets through the campaign, Mr. Ranaivo says, “We now sleep peacefully at night and are in good health in the morning, so we can go to work and earn a little money.”