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Over 180 Complete ISC Soccer Training Program

Juan Carlos Rodriguez congratulating one of the ISC Training Program participants moments after the closing ceremony at Old Kampala S.S.S.

Juan Carlos Rodriguez congratulating one of the ISC Training Program participants moments after the closing ceremony at Old Kampala S.S.S.

On Saturday May 22, 2010, a diverse group of 181 men and women from 64 districts successfully completed the requirements for the U.S. Soccer E-License and the International Sport Connection Youth Coach Certification.

The group had 54 women participants, many of whom plan to start soccer programs for girls in their districts. 

“We are also particularly proud of the inclusion of 10 hearing-impaired participants and two interpreters, who were sponsored by the Global Deaf Connection, an NGO based in Minneapolis and funded by USAID,” said Jens Omli, the Director of International Sport Connection. 

Mr. Juan Carlos Rodriguez, a U.S. Mission Kampala Program Economist with USAID who represented Ambassador Jerry Lanier at the closing ceremony, underlined the importance of the existing relationship between Uganda and the United States.

“We are proud of the continuing partnership between Uganda and the U.S. and the commitment of both nations to support and focus on achieving the enormous potential of youth and girls around the country,” he said.  “I am particularly impressed by the fact that this program will more than double the number of female coaches in all of Uganda,” he added.

ICS Country Director, Mr. Stone Kyambadde, urged participants to be creative and seek new ways of achieving their objectives.

“If you continue doing what you have always done you will continue getting what you have always got,” he said.

The program was funded by generous support from the U.S. State Department’s SportsUnited Division.